Wayne profile picture


I may be leaving Pensacola in a couple of months? But I want to put my stamp on every Heart that I g

About Me

Myspace LayoutsI am at a point in my life that I am trying to make some positive changes. In order to accomplish this I needed to make changes in what I do and be willing to make sacrifices. I am at a point where I am not out as much and just relaxing when I do not have something on my agenda. I am not angry or upset with anyone I just want to change some perceptions that people have about me. And enjoy more things I have been missing out on in life. I train young men and women in their first technical trade in the military. It is fun and interesting at the same time. It can be challenging at times. Yet the reward outweighs anything in the job. You meet people from all walks of life and learn a lot about other parts of the country and world thru people. Most of all, I enjoy spending time with friends and family when I am able to. That is what makes my world go around. The good people who I surround myself with. I have been blessed with having a very good family and some of the best friends you could hope for. Without them? I do not know what direction my life would be in?

My Interests

Sports, Helping others thru Community Service and other channels, Having fun without stepping on others.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who can have a positive influence in my life. Or who has positive Karma. My old self that everyone loved. And anyone I have ever unknowingly hurt to apologize to them!Click to zoom in on my visitor map!

make your own map at: www.modmyprofile.com


A wide variety. Not limited to one type. But when I am overseas in other parts of the world it is amusing to here American rock from the Seventies and Eighties at the clubs. Also, It is amusing when I go back home and they are playing the same music that I was listening to twenty years ago.


A wide variety. It amuses how Hollywood can take a true story and add things to it in order to make it interesting.


Sports, Documentaries and Reality Shows.


Fact-based History.


My Parents and all those who serve or haved served proudly defending FREEDOM around the World!