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I'd like to meet:

Name: Saiyori...
A.K.A: Yori, SaiSai
Age: 17
DOB: 1990...was never told nothing more...
Race: Human
Birthplace: Japan, unsure of the location...
Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight
Whereabouts: unknown...
Appearance: Midnight black straight hair with pale, porcelain, light skin. Eyes are a shade of crimson red, and body type is slim yet curvy. There are times when she wears nail polish. The colors of choice are usually black, reds, or a light peachy, pink color. She also has a piercing on the side of her lip.
Make up: Her eye shadow is usually RED but it varies from time to time. Black eye-liner on the top and bottom of her eyes. There are times when her make-up is smeared but when it's not her long lashes are visible. At times is seen wearing lip stick, if it's not a light shade of pale pink then its shades of red's and blacks.
Status: Single
Ethnicity: Japanese
Height: 5'5
Weight: 115lbs
Occupation: .....?
Family: Wasn't even sure if she really had one...until she found Hendrix, which whom she now claims as her sister<3
Phobias: Achluophobia, Acrophobia, Agliophobia, Agoraphobia, Agraphobia, Aichmophobia, Athazagoraphobia...(Google it skanks xD)
Story: Saiyori was put into an orphanage at a very young age so she can not recall her former parents. She stayed there for a couple of years then later was adopted by a man, HIM . He went by the name of Aoi Hirameshi, which probably meant that was now part of her name as well...Saiyori Hirameshi? Growing up with him was difficult, HE was always so strict...One mistake and she'd get a beating. So, it was always better to stay quiet, for if she didn't, HE'd beat her to silence. Soon after some years had passed she and her guardian had come to a mutual relationship you could say. They barely spoke but she did all she was told to do in order to eat and live under his roof. Her job in the Hirameshi household was simply to fulfill her FATHERS wants and needs. After more years had passed and she had reached the age of a young woman HE would always be near her. She thought of it as a form of affection but little did she know he had other desire's she would soon fulfill for HIM as well. Whatever chance HE had HE'd touch her...and touch her...until he went too far...Saiyori not knowing any better was traumatized for a while and didn't know what to make of the strange emotions that were slowly eating her from the inside out, consuming her. She grew to hate IT...hate HIM...she didn't want him touching her anymore...so she reacted and tried many times to run away from him, but he was so strong...and so fast...she would always wind up in his grasp, and her disobedience lead to the beatings she had almost forgotten...Her innocent mind was soon filled with more hate for him..for how HE made her feel...And then came the night.......... HE came into her room and grabbed her softly at first, but as he noticed her rejection HE fiercely took hold of her as he unclothed her and touched her....as he always would. Screaming, unsure of what to think or do. Struggling, hoping wasn't working for her...he was too strong, too strong to run away from this time. HE smiled at Saiyori and told her that he loved her, and that everything was going to be okay...but that was a LIE....She cried and screamed, HE smacked her to silence her...blood streamed down from her lips...bruises seemed to have been formed all over her, as he continued to beat her to cooperate with him...She then gave up some of that hope and relaxed her body for HIM to stop the torture...Smirking at her actions he forced emotions and sensations all over her, taking over her slowly, roughly...HE had his way with her that night, and scarred her deep within her heart...Day after day HE would come to her, and the relationship seemed to have gotten back to the way it was in the past...he didn't touch her, He'd treat her much more kindly than before and would always tell her...
"I love you Saiyori, don't forget that."
HE would say it so often that she soon started believing it herself, and felt comfort knowing that he did so. She still remembered all the things he had done to her...but it hurt her and confused her to think about it so she blinded herself for a while, not wanting to go back to that time....But that was very foolish of her to do so....Soon after HE started getting closer to her again
"I love you Saiyori."
She would smile and say it back, because in her mind that was the only form of love she ever knew of and understood..not thinking anything of it. He'd touch her hair, run his fingers up her thigh, rub her back softly, and held her, rested her on his lap as he whispered--
"Do you love me?"
Always uncertain she'd answer with a yes and smile at her 'father'...Saiyori would at times fear him...she didn't know what would ever upset him and didn't want to ever do that. She knew what would happen if she did, and for her that was unthinkable.
A while had passed before he started touching her again.
She didn't know what to make up for it....she thought HE LOVED HER... She went mad and remembered all those hateful memories, ones she had thought to have left behind in the many days that had passed. She didn't smile anymore, she wouldn't stay near him...she wanted to escape...she didn't want to hear the words of "LOVE" to come out from his mouth. She didn't want those big rough hands to touch her in any way anymore...ever... Love? That word had no meaning to the poor girl, it was just a lie. The beating happened again when he didn't have his way with her. It seemed to happen every other night, and because of this the poor girl's body was no longer beautiful, to her or to any...she would never marry because of him now...
"who would want such a thing?"
....No One... Tormented by her "father's" every move...She didn't want to live this way--dying would have been a gift from the heavens for her...if there was even a heaven anymore....
Then came the night--
HE entered through her room and made his way to her. The room was as dark as the night, but the moon light shined and her white kimono was made visible. "Saiyori are you awake?" His deep voice called for her as he now stood over her, looking down at her kimono. Motionlessly she parted her lips to speak to him, Her heart started pounding as she hesitated and remained silent. "I guess not." HE knelt down and pulled the sheets away from her body, uncovering it. Motioning towards her he pulled the strands of hair away from her face, noticing that she was truly still awake. HE got angry. "Why didn't you answer me Saiyori?--" His fingers grasped hold of her chin as he forcefully made her look at him. She stayed quiet for a moment then had the courage to speak--
"I Hate You." ........ "I've always hated you! You lair, LAIR!"
His eyes widened as he was engulfed in anger. "You ungrateful monster--" He spoke as he smacked her roughly, not holding back. Saiyori gasped for air as she felt her hair being tugged on. then again. SMACK, straight to her face once more! The poor girl started to bleed, but she did not cry this time...and she did not scream...she remained silent and just smiled at him, at his hurtful expression from the dagger she dug straight into his skin, twisting it and running it up his chest, grazing his face when she pulled it out. He bleed this time now too. Furious HE reached for the knife she held in her tiny little hands. Saiyori quickly reacted and slashed his hand as he reached for her, drawing it back from the pain HE screamed--a sound she had wanted to hear for a long time now--She dug the knife into HIM many times, stunned from the attacks HE was left gasping for air as the pain rushed through his whole being. Bleeding to near death he called out to Saiyori, to make her stop, reaching with what was left of his might to stop her he failed, falling to the ground in an unpleasant manner, screeching from the pain. She pulled away from HIM at this point, watching him as he suffered...HE would no longer hurt her again she thought to herself...she was free...and so she smiled again, smiled for him to see, that she would be happy now--without him. ............................
"I Love....." She was at a lost of words.

{under co.}
