Hello to everyone back home in Vacaville and the rest of Northern CA. I live in Sacramento now,but will soon be moving down to the LA area (Pasadena).Life has been good so far--(my pro-wrestler career hasn't taken off like I thought it would...). So after WCW, I went to UC Davis, got my degree in 'Children's Sports Psychology' and then joined the Air Force. My first assignment was to Alabama, but then Uncle Sam made up for it and sent me to Las Vegas for a few yrs. I ended up leaving the heat of Las Vegas (and my previous life as an Air Force Maintenance officer and undercover Ninja for hire) a few years ago. And that is how I ended up here in Sacramento.Now life is stale, boring and quiet. I now work for the state of CA and I spend 5-8 hrs a day in a classroom and another 5 hrs a day studying for whatever test comes next. I still wrestle from time to time, but its not as fun...now that I have to compete in the "old guy" division. Somedays I get to play local superhero...fighting off bad guys by the fistful, others I am training, working out, or running. I miss the good old days when nothing ever got done and I spent the day watching sportscenter, football, or my beloved (yet crappy) SF Giants.I got married in 2005 to Christina, who I met while at UC Davis. No kids yet, but we're thinking its almost time. Christina has settled down and found her nitch recovering heart patients in a cardiac ICU here in Sacramento.