Ricky profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I was born in Mexico, raised in Vegas, and am living in phoenix. Im missing Vegas i didnt realy know how mutch i loved vegas till i left it. Im in Phoenix becous im stuying to become a highly paid Automotive tech. .....lol Im going to UTI in avendale. I Love to party. i Love going to the theaters. i love restourants/eating. I love vedio games. AND i love Women. i have a problem with spending money. im not that good at saving money. I fall in "Love" way to easy. I think i may be CRAZY!!!! not realy tho. I want to travel the world and visit restaurants the whole way.

My Interests

Music, anime, video, games, porn, movies, going places, chicks and hanging out.

I'd like to meet:

ive already met her .


i listin to everything


Pulp Fiction,Fight Club, Y tu MaMa Tambien, Amores Peros, Kill Bill 1&2, Saw, The Tuerminator 1,2,&3 , Star Wars 4&5 , Pokemon the Movie 1, Big Daddy, Lilo and Stitch, boondock saints, snatch, lock- stock-and two smoken berels, team america, blow


Family Guy, adult swim..... i dont realy watch tv anymore.


i dont realy read books


god....mega man cloud squal zadan and titus