Tv, Movies, Eating, Drinking, Parties, tits(love em), Mountain dew, Cheeseburgers, Kagaroos, Cartoons, Fart sounds, Standup, Singing in the shower, Doggies, Sporting events and such, The badgas and packa, Shotin a big buck..wait no.never mind, cooking utensles, Grocery stores, Kobe, Shaq, Shaq and KObe, running, running fast, running with animals, running over annimals, butterfingers and fart sounds.
Everyone i love everyone.
Mostly Boybands and such.
Anchorman, Grandmas Boy, Stir Crazy, Van WIlder, Waiting, Saws, Frost Bite, ...
SCRUBS, Sportscenter, That 70's show, Family Guy, South Park, and the midnight spank.
The bible, War and Peace, Classics of Western Philosophy, Favre,Everybody poops, Wheres Waldo.
Waldo i just cant find the bastard, Brett Favre, Jesus, Superman, Kyle Myhre, Tom Berg, and Chuck Norris.