like it says for my headline i hate everyone , no one race , religion ,or culture in particular plain and simple just Humans....... " how can they all be so blind ?"..... i dont get how masses of people can be brainwashed into not asking questions and not questioning authority when thats what this country was Founded From............ i cant take it watching them day by day by day as they live thinking they're free and believing that they will be taken care of by the government / god ext.......... plain and simple the most simple animal to train in the animal kingdom is a human being , THE POWER OF SUGGESTION......... THE POWER TO MAKE PEOPLE BELIEVE THINGS THEY KNOW ARENT TRUE ................... AND IF YOU CAN DO THAT YOU ARE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And if you take a step back and look at the big picture , u will realize that you are just a star in the sky / a grain of sand on an endless beach /and no matter how hard you try you will never be able to make a difference ........ AND U LIVE WITH THE WEIGHT OF THE WORLD ON YOUR SHOULDERS BECAUSE U SEE THIS GOING ON AND NEVER HAVE PEACE ....... BECAUSE YOUR ALWAYS THINKING
ALWAYS THINKINGIGNORANCE IS BLISS .other than that just chillin& makin moneythe only reason i have this think is too look at pictures of myself , and marvel at the ignorance of people............
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