matthew profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

At roughly five feet and ten inches and of slender physiognomy, I radiate a youthful demeanor. A mop of brown, wavy hair adorns my head. A clear complexioned face (occupied with a pair of glasses for a near sided condition) greets the stranger. A relatively flat stomach would be obvious once I remove my shirts. Somewhat skinny legs (the laughing stock of masculinity) would also become self evident. [email protected]

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

MALE CALLS 4 FEMALES IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA! I seek an altruistic, atheistic, bombastic, charismatic, dramatic, enigmatic, frantic, galvanic, humanistic, intrinsic, Jurassic, kaleidoscopic, monastic, nomadic, poetic, quixotic gal who seeks a serious friendship (albeit a discreet liaison) to explore comfort zones! Introduce yourself!

My Blog

Accursed state of loneliness, jobless and pennilessness!

How unfair that all around me (as far as the eye can see), a vista of riches and wealth seems to tantalize and tease my vision like some mirage, which chimerical and ephemeral hallucination assaults a...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Jan 2005 21:35:00 GMT