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About Me

Alyssa Marie: A STORY FOR YOU... I know what I want && what I need. I ♥God. I was told that through all the struggles and trials, I would achieve victory. These words keep me strong, when weakness starts kicking in My family mean the world to me. I love sports! Soccer && VolleyBall <3 definitely not a girly girl. Soccer is my life. I'm not going to lie I got some skills, if you ask ME Volleyball is dope && taking risks is fun...sometimes :[ I keep my priorities straight. I don't make statements, I state facts. I KEEP IT 100 PLUS SOME MORE! Judge me if you want, but you are not better than me. && that's a fact. Determination is the key to success. If it don't make $$ it don't make sense. I'm independent, but there's always mommy. I hold my guards up very high because I have too much pride, that I will admit. I can be anything: Conservative,Nice,Mean,Dorky,& Nerdy when I have to be. Oh and ummm...pretty hardcore gangsta :] loyal to my soil haha. enough with the jokes. serious time... Never scared; we all have to die someday. I strongly believe that balancing work and play is VERY important. I have a hard time trusting in other, therefore I don't. To give in or give up, it's a battle within You can't break the girl that thinks Nothing of you. I consider myself to be a strong girl both physically and mentally. I have overcome the unexpected and achieved high expectations. there's nothing to fear but the man above. I'm not an angel, but I'm way far from evil I have high standards, it's not that I think I'm too good. I just know what I want out of life && will not allow a damn fool get in my way. Sorry, my goals and priorities come first. &&There's more to me, and if you only would be Amazed! Analyze what you read and recognize what you see. End of story - <3

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