A lot has happened since 1915, and Magnavox has been a leader all through the ensuing years with famous Magnavox Milestones which continued to shape the industry and helped propel it to offer the incredible sophistication and variety of consumer electronics products available today.Here are just a few examples of additional famous Magnavox Milestones that followed their invention of the worlds first loudspeaker in 1915:1915AMPLIFIED PHONOGRAPH...now the whole family can enjoy the music!1937HIGH FIDELITY AUDIO...in its day, as significant as the modern-day introduction of compact disc!1949CHROMATIC FILTER FOR TV...eased eyestrain and set new standards for all TV manufacturers!1958STEREOPHONIC HIGH-FIDELITY RADIO-PHONOGRAPHS...the introduction of stereo sound in one instrument for the home!1961VIDEOMATIC...an "electric-eye" that automatically adjusted the TV picture according to the room environment!1962ASTRO-SONIC HIGH FIDELITY...eliminated vacuum tubes with fully transistorized pre-amp, amplifier, and tuner!1969TOTAL AUTOMATIC COLOR...automatic tint and color control system!1974STAR TELEVISION...the tuning system that allowed random choice of channels on a remote control keypad...the forerunner of the remote control system found on virtually every TV on the market today!1974ODYSSEY...the first home video game!1978MAGNAVISION...the laser is introduced to home entertainment via movies in the new Laserdisc format!1983COMPACT DISC...introduced to the U.S. by Magnavox!1986UNIVERSAL REMOTE CONTROL...now ONE remote can control BOTH the TV and VCR!1987COMPACT DISC VIDEO...known also as CDV, this was the first video software in the compact disc format...a forerunner of todays DVD!1992SMART SOUND...also known as "automatic volume control", this feature eliminated annoying increases in TV volume (usually found in commercials).1993REMOTE LOCATOR...simply turn your TV "on" manually if the remote control is missing, and it will beep to reveal its location!We're sure you'll agree that Magnavox has proven itself Smart over the years with its many innovations. Today, Magnavox has harnessed its efforts to focus on the specific mission of providing the highest performance and quality at a most affordable price. This makes Magnavox a Very Smart and trusted choice for consumers.Now you know what we mean when we say: Magnavox...Smart. Very Smart.