About Me
i am ME thE reaL mEH!
i aM nowHEre nEar pERfEcT
i am a GiRL,a SImPLE GuRL, hvE dREaM.
i am ShY & juSt orDinaRY gIrL i EaT whEN i am b0rED
i faLL 4 b0yS EasiLY, GEttinG huRt in d End
im vunErabLE 2 bELiving LIEs
i am a huMan,a y0ung giRL,not peRFEct.
i am LoviNG,THouGthfuL,carinG,honEst.
i aM smiLE, cRY and LauGH
i am Shy,careLEss,LovAbLe,UNdersTanding.
im inLOvE and beLivinG tRuE LoVE
i am brokEn and sTiLL movE on..
i am remEmbered i am hoping, stiLL hopinGi haVE sumthinG noT evEryTHinG. i havE heaRT daT's fEeLS and hURt.
i waLK and i ruNNinG
i SLEEp & tirED
i am a braVE,confident,hopE,hardw0rking and scAred.
i'm hopinG dat onE day i w0n't nEed a faKE smiLE.
i livE by qouTES dat explain exaCTLy waT i am gOing throUGh
i havE a reasON,to Live a reaSon.
i am LisTEner, beLieving, supporting.
i makE up excusEs for Evrything.
i haVE besT friends, friends,and EnemiEs.
i havE a pasT, and futurE.
im a normaL, i uSed to be normaL a girl, a pErson, a younG girl.
i giVe noT givinG up.
i am responsibLE, havE responsibLE i am figthER noT LooSer
i am THingking and PlanNIng.
i am forgivE not forgEt.
i apOlogized, whEN i shULD
i smiLE WhEn i sAd.
i LaUGH, Wen i CAn
i do wat makE haPPy.
i lauGH as muCH i breaTHE.
i fEEL inLOVE as muCH i Can.
i haVE draMa and mEMoriEs ...
i haVE LIfe, LivE my OWN LIfe.
i havE knoWledgE, unDerstand.
i haVE misTakE and i LeaRN by my OWN.
i havE desirE, bElivE, goaLS.
i am pErson dat u caNT finD..
dis is mEh! my LIfE, mySl