Hello there!
I'll keep this short and sweet... I'm just starting out in graphic design, and am really keen to increase my portfolio. I specialise in personalised vector graphics, and if you don't know what that looks like, then have a scroll down. All the following pictures have been drawn by hand (well, mouse) and take me ruddy ages!
If you are involved in any interesting projects and would like me to help out, drop me a message with all the details and I'll see what I can do.
These images look absolutely kick arse printed up as posters - in fact I have the De Niro pic printed in my living room at soundrome towers! If you're interested in comissioning a piece of work for any reason, decoration, a present, pure vanity, then again let me know. Obviously these things take a lot of time, and I am willing to do the work for £35 - I can get them printed up for you for around £25 depending on size, or e-mail you the image at the required size for free!
Enjoy, and any feedback is appreciated!
The Kray Brothers
Nobody important!
Veronica Lake, 40s/50s film starlette
The wonderful Daniel Johnston
Charlie Bronson - Often labelled Britain's most dangerous inmate...
Mark E Smith of The Fall
The legendary Richard Pryor
Frankenstein's monster
June Knight - another old 40s film starlette
Keifer Sutherland, as his character in Lost Boys
Thora Birch
Nina Simone
Mike Patton
Joe Strummer
Oliver Hardy
The man, the legend, Mike Patton
James Dean
Serge Gainsbourg
Keira Knightley
DJ Blend, Bournemouth DJ
Billie Holliday
Robert De Niro, scene from Taxi Driver
Pepper Keenan, of Down and COC
Yes, it's a chimpanzee!
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
French Vicky
Scarlett Johansson
The lovely Kristal - in charge of the Patton Platinum Group.
Carrie, a Bournemouth girl
Oliver Hardy, again
Another random local lady
^^^Yay, it's me!!^^^
Some work for MC B@T
Hmmmmm... Divinity, of TalkHard fame!
Mr S Clause
oohhhh... pussy's done a whoopsy etc.
If you really want to be a poppet, why not stick my banner in your myspace by copying the code below into your profile! It's only little and it's quite pretty! Look ^^^ I doubt anyone will bother but it's worth a go!