Guys Like That You're Fun
You're the type of girl guys brag about knowing
That's because you're cool, funny, and laid back
You're smart enough to know how to be one of the guys
But flirty enough to know how to make them all want you What Do Guys Like About You?..
More Funny Videos & MySpace Layouts at YourSpaceNow.comSagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) You're singing even when it rains. If there's a thunderstorm, you're chortling as you jump into puddles. Your famous sense of humor comes to the rescue and turns an inconvenience into a lovely, memorable event.
Jis forJealous
Eis forEnchanting
Sis forSpontaneous
Sis forSlippery
Iis forIrresistible
Cis forCheesy
Ais forAnimated What Does Your Name Mean?
You Are a Ferris Wheel
Deep down, you are a fun, whimsical, and easygoing person.
You often enjoy life for what it is, and the littlest changes in course can be quite thrilling.
In relationships, people tend to feel what you feel. It can be liberating at first...
But after a while, the people closest to you end up feeling a little trapped.
Your life has perfectly normal cycles of ups and downs.
However, you can't help but sometimes feel that you're missing out on the most exciting aspects of life.
You only are happy when you're experiencing the highest of highs.
Your low points just make you feel depressed, restless, and bored.
At your best, you feel on top of the world with a great sense of perspective.
You believe that anything is possible, and that you are happily looking down on everyone else.
At your worst, you feel like your life is going in circles. You often feel like you're not going anywhere.
This is sometimes psychologically disorienting. And sometimes it brings on a sense of hopelessness. What Carnival Ride Are You?
Myspace Layouts at / Whatever