Basketball, partying, drinking beer in various contests, basically i am a male with to much to say!!
A Pretty lady who is fun and not UPTIGHT! Who likes to party but also doesn't need a babysitter! not to be rude but it is annoying when someone doesn't know their limits!!! A Girl who isn't afraid to get into a bathing suit and go for a swim. someone who can take care of cause lets be honest i am a little crazy!!!!
Dumb n Dumber, Major payne, Belly, Scareface, Little Nemo (not finding Nemo) although that movie is alright. And of course my favorite Wedding Crashers!!!
The sheild, Rescue Me, and i know it is Gay but i got sucked into dawsons creek man i suck
I pretty much like all of Clive Cusslers books; Inca Gold, Flood Tide, and Shockwave, and a couple of John Grishoms books; Rainmaker, and a few Tom Clancy, Patriot Games;
Joe Nahmeth; even though he is a drunk i still like him, My Grandma