Is this like show and tell without the showing? Well, I'm Tim. Some people often call me William, well, not that many people and it doesn't really happen that often either, actualy more like never, but it's bound to happen eventually.
I didn't graduate from High School. But no-one does in the UK, the chuck us out quite unceremoniously after the final exams.
I'm "studying" French, German and Gaelic at the University of Aberdeen, I play Ultimate Frisbee and do other less interesting things. I'm a language fiend and speak far too many languages to remeber which one I'm meant to be talking.
I come from a little town called Crieff (Ppn: 6000), also known as Sleepy Hollow where the best thing is the bus to Perth where I spent many a happy day as a member of the Perth Youth Theatre.
Check out my BEBO page for more pictures and stuff. No good student in the UK doesn't have one of these.
I now even have skype... it's FREE!
Tha mi Gaidhlig agam. Is mise Tim is tha mi a Craobh ach tha mi a' fuireach ann an Obar Dheathain an-drasta. Tha mi nam oileanach aig an oilthigh Obar Dheathain is tha mi a'deannamh Fraingis, Gearmailtis agus Gaidhlig. Tha ceithir peathraichean agam, dha iasgean is coin. Is toil leam seinn, ceol, coimhead air telebhisean agus ti.