Blanco Nino consists of five young lads from a green and not over populated country of Finland. As the band was founded it was decided that this band will have its own unique sound and the songs should sound fresh (what ever the word fresh means in this case). All the members od the band have learnt to deal with their instruments through practice with the exeption of the keyboard player who even knows how to read notes but he doen´t know it. ;)The songs for I'm working! were recorded in our home town Turku at Studio Livingroom. Songs were recorded by Pepe and mixed and produced by blanco nino with assistance from Pepe.Cover art is based on drawing "Nino regadera" by Eva Santos Blanco. Thank you Eva for providing us with this drawing.
Drawing is licenced under a Creative Commons Licence and copyrighted 2001-2003. You should check out Eva's other beautiful drawings at
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