Joel profile picture


Be Happy, Life is Too Short!!

About Me

Wassup people....A little about me...I'm laid back, like to chill.... trying to get educated so that I can live a happy fulfilling life... I was a Marine for four years, now I'm out living the real life... Its not all fun and games but at least I get to do what I want... My goal in life is to finally be happy. Everyone seems to never really be happy, so I decided to try really hard and be the first one to get there....Anyway, any questions..... don't hesitate to ask...
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My Interests

There is a lot of things I like to do...but my favorites are dancing, hanging out at the beach, eat out and of course having some really good sex after dancing, at the beach, while eating chocolate syrup of my girl.....thats my favorite!

I'd like to meet:

Just looking to keep in touch with friends and make some new ones.... all are welcome... but just one thing..."There are two things I hate in this world. People intolerant of other people's culture.... and the Dutch."


Maroon 5, Michael Buble, Real 2 Real, Ian Van Dahl , Ruben Blades, Los Hermanos Rosario, Juan Luis Guerra, Nelly Fortado, Marvin Gay, and a few others.....



This is true capoeira.. not the bullshit that other users put previously like Grupo Capoeira Uniao Lugano, Capoeira one evening in Malta Alexander Chorny, NisaCapoeira Underground, Asociacion de Capoeira Corpo e Magia - Toque and Capoeira Da Rua Ottawa with their bad berimbau play. Thats only saroba "bad capoeira"... and i put here.. what is the true capoeira..(i'm not from grupo abada capoeira) Best Movie of All Times: Dumb and Dumber


Friends of course!


Angels and Demons - Really Good


Batman Baby