It's nice to come home escaping the hustle and bustle of the city, horns honking, and stereos blasting distorted bass. All within walking distance is an old ice cream parlor dating back to 1895, a lake and beach for swimming or renting a canoe, and what retreat would be complete without a mini golf course. Here in the mountains cottages with Victorian charm are so close you could just about reach out the window and touch the bungalow next to you. The huge canopy of Evergreens always keeps it a bit cooler, it's common to see a squirrel digging, or Blue Jay, landing outside your window.Since graduating in 1993, I have worked a lot of 12-14 hour days in the car business, buying cars at auction, F&I, and new/used car sales, till recently working 35-45 hours a week. I now actually have time for a social life.I'm talkative, outgoing, and laughter comes natural around me. I'm hoping to catch up with some old friends and new ones are always welcome.