size=3Anime is my drug! video games are my medication, comics are my sedative, o yeah magic the gathering MARVEL+DC+JTHM+OTAKU+MTG+REESE=JOYGASM
Jim Carrey, a god among gods! Brom, the artist-amazing work Hayao Miyazaki- amazing anime artist and maybe jesus if hes not busy
everything except christian crap, most rap, most pop, and anything that has crazy cambodian people yelling -my favs-MSI, Linkin Park, Smashmouth, dir en grey, Shazna, She wants revenge, and lots of techno
anime, family guy, southpark, drawn together, charmed, futurama, trigun, bluegender, FLCL, wolfs rain, Spiderman, HEY REMEMBER BIG GUY AND RUSTY?
A few anne rice books(the weird romance novel ones) silverwing(bout a bat) manga, comics(spiderman+jthm are my favorite)and Calvn And Hobbes
Jack of Blades, Jim Carrey, Napoleon, and Spiderman!