joan profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

bOuT mE!??..eYm a pErZOn hU LovEs mUsIc a Lot..thOugh iM noT rILi gOoD aT iT..arrgghh...gEt wAt i MEaN?..hAha!..i LovE cLubBiNg sPeciALLy wHeN iM wId mAh freNds tO dIsCo anD pARty!!..iM a ChEeRfuL pErsOn hU rEaLLy LovEs her fREndS..18 iS nOt maH rEaL aGe aNd i CaN say thAt aT mY agE iM matUrE eNouGh 2 dEaL wId d kInd oF envIrOnmEnt iM iN rYt nOw..(aNu Sabi Kuh!?,,duH!?) uhm..dOnT judgE mE wId mY pHysIcAL but gEt t0 KnoW mE iNstEad..

My Interests

hHhMmMm....juZ aSk mE oKeI!..eYm tIrEd oF tYpiNg!..LoLz..!!

I'd like to meet:

LoVe taH mEeT pEopLe hU R juZ Lyk mE..oF cOurZe kOOL pEoPLe aNd tHsE hU LovES tAh pArTy!!..wahahaha!!!


muZic!?..RnB..rOcK..pOp..aLmoSt LhAt n DiN eH!!


fiNaL dEstinAtIon 2..aRmAggEdoN..bravEhEaRt..tHe gRudGe(wahahaha!!)..aMerIcAn pIe(LhAt uN)..tErmInaToR(preho)