I love Barbies,{Barbie Dolls, and anything that go's with her and collecting her} I have lots *n* lots. I have a whole room FULL of her. My husband gave up dreams for an office so I can have what is called THE BARBIE ROOM:) Its beautiful, Iam even thinkin curtins, and posters. Maybe some time I'll take pitures for all to see. That room makes me feel like a princess when I'm in it. Wait a minute I am a Princess!!!
All kinds, oh exept rap. For some reason it puts me in a bad mood. umph?
Anything black and white. Marilyn Monroe, Joan Crawford, Audry, Betty, the true women of hollywood
Grey's Anatomy all the way, I dont watch much of anything els. I like the food network, Bridzillas ;-) that show is just crazy funny.
The Bible, ie; Eph ch 4 , Romans ch 8, Is ch 51~53 & James now thats some great read'n!!!!
My husband, Elton Steele. Im so impressed with him. Hes smart, {he married me;)} and sexy and is just the best father I know.