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I Like all types of music!!!! I listen to music depending on the mood I am in! I am and 80's Freak though I love it!I like country and christian music a lot also
Pretty Women, Wizard of Oz, Chronicles of Narnia, Mission Impossible 3, Mr & Mrs Smith, Any Audrey Hepburn movie, Finding Nemo, Mary Poppins, Harry Potter Movies, Lord of the Rings Series, All Disney Movies, Sweet Home Alabama, Dirty Dancing, Top Gun, Grease, Remember the Titans, Walk the Line,Hotel Rwanda, Phantom of the Opera, The Perfect Man
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Auburn Football, C.S.I, Law & Order, American Idol, The Bachelor, The Nanny, Gilmore Girls, Golden Girls, Full House, Paula's Home Cooking and anything else on Food Network, 7th Heaven, House, Desperate Housewives, Greys Anatomy, The Hills, Laguna Beach, Friends
The Bible, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harry Potter Series, Chronicles of Narnia Series, Shopoholic Series, The Notebook, The Giver, Anne Franks Diary, Any Sophie Kinsella book, Nicolas Sparks books
JESUS, My Husband for his willingness to serve our country and to risk his life for our freedom!, My Parents, My Parent-in-laws, and My Grandparents