I am Pheebs. Both my flatmates and my mother have nicknamed me after Phoebe Buffet!
I'm not the girl who was screaming your name last night but most likely the one who burped it. Eh? Eh?... Hey where are you going?
I don't know much about fucking music, so no one cool wants to date me rii-iight - but at least I'm not fat, and dancing alone is fucking awesome, you can fling limbs and hips and hair fucking everywhere who gives a shit!
I don't read books, they are dull. Snooze. I wish I WISH I did, so I could sound proper fucking intelligent, but I don't, so I wear glasses sometimes now instead.
I also have a pretty fucked up sense of humour, I make jokes at my own expense, I'm a crowd pleaser!
I can't keep my toothbrush in the bathroom because I am afraid of poo spores.
I know all the words to Still D.R.E.
It's worrying that I find characters like Quagmire, The Todd and Stifler fucking hilarious and it makes me wish I was a lad sometimes, honestly.
My proudest moment was when I set fire to my gob at Sailors in Newquay.