Reading, Computers(Windows/MacOSX), Killing Sheep, Video Games(PS2[mostly]/XBOX[lessly]), Web surfing, Watching Extreme Sports and wishing I could do that....etc.
I want to meet the one person in this world that compliments me. Help me become the person that I'm destined to be and help them become the person they are destined to be. Spend time alone, spend time with friends, it doesn't matter, just be there with me everyday, wake up and them not have to leave and not see them for weeks/months on end. A true friend, a true companion.
Anything really, I like things with a good beat/tune/whatever. If it sounds good, then I listen to it. Country, Rock, Pop, some Rap(within limits), Alternative. I've found remixed Classical to be pretty awesome.
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, SciFi. Good stuff!
Star Trek: TNG, Star Trek: Voyager, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Adult Swim, CSI, Law & Order, Disney Channel Original Movies
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Geography Club
My family & friends