Chris Taylor profile picture

Chris Taylor

About Me

I'm about two steps away from a revolution. Try me. Otherwise..FOR THE HORDE!
Your Political Profile:
Overall: 70% RightWing Nut Job, 30% LeftWing Treehuggin' Hippie
Social Issues: 25% Elephantman, 75% Donkeypuncher
Personal Responsibility: 75% NeoCon, 25% Pinko commie
Fiscal Issues: 100% Redneck, 0% Blueneck
Ethics: "Ethics?" Apparently I've never met these "ethics"
Defense and Crime: 100% Hang 'em High, 0% Whiny ACLU How Liberal Or Conservative Are You?

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The person that knows and knows it, has it and shares it freely, can listen as well as speak and maybe even waits their turn and doesn't interrupt. Please hold your comments & rants until the end of my parlance and you may discover the truth before displaying your ignorance, impatience and ever so tiring desire to hear yourself talk.

Animations provided by

Your IQ Is 10x10^21
Your Relationship Intelligence is Borderline Retard

Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius

Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius

Your General Knowledge is Exceptional A Quick and Dirty IQ Test Your results:
You are Apocalypse

Apocalypse 666
Magneto 555
Vince McMahon No chance
The Brain 8675309
Big Business 6 of one
US Government half dozen of another
Ra's Al Ghul and another
Venom 45%
Iran 42.42%
The Joker Pi
Dark Phoenix Phi
Juggernaut e
Phillip Morris insert less famous transendental number here
Wal-Mart Avagadro's number
Kim Jong-Il 4'11"
Crack Dealer 0 You believe in survival of the fittest and you believe that you are the fittest.
Click here to take the Supervillain Personality Quiz
Your results:
You are Spider-Man

Spider-Man 70%
Leeroy Jenkins 66.66% repeating of course
V 65.7%
He-Man 65.3%
Stone Cold Steve Austin 3:16
Spawn 55.60%
Wyatt Earp 50.4%
Optimus Prime 47.5%
Batman 45.45%
Neo 40.04%
Lion-O 40.01%
Spider Ham 40%
The boy wonder twin 35.7% You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

My Blog

No witty Spektor puns within...

Even though I'm always ill to my stomach over politics, I have become even more so over the last few weeks.  I am so worn out by party politics that the idea of withdrawing from the realm of informed ...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Apr 2009 08:42:00 GMT

Why Perez Hilton is a douche and gays should hate him

I don't support marriage.  It's illogical.  It has a fail rate of far greater than 50%.  About the only other thing that has a smaller success rate, and people willing do, is Vegas.  But at least you ...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Apr 2009 22:15:00 GMT

My life update!

To anyone who is just waking up from a wonderful 8 month siesta, the world is in an "economic crisis".  For those of you who didn't know, I left California last year in November and have not been able...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Apr 2009 11:08:00 GMT

Universal Healthcare. Who calls "shenanigans"?

"Universal Healthcare" is essentially the idea that everyone would have government sponsored healthcare.  Let's assume that this would significantly increase the number of people seeking medical treat...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Mar 2009 15:29:00 GMT

Does Gainesville hate whiny minorities?

At the bottom of this post you will find the proposed Amendment One to the Gainesville Charter.  One of the first things to understand about this amendment is that the proponents of this amendment are...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Mar 2009 07:31:00 GMT

Chris Taylor in the National Guard?! Could be...

I have stated that I am currently accepting arguments regarding myenlisting in the National Guard. Multiple people have asked me what myreasoning is. Here ya go, in no particular order:Pros1) Up to $...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 12:57:00 GMT

We all eat food!

"Give me the right to issue and control a nations money and I care not who governs the country. This is a quote from Meyer Amschal Rothschild.  In 2005, Forbes magazine ranked him as the seventh mos...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Mar 2009 11:51:00 GMT

Stream of Consciousness

~At a time when it seems like we need all the smart people we can muster, is it really appropriate to be "laying off" teachers?  According to the Detroit Free Press, the stimulus pack contains 40.6 bi...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Feb 2009 21:40:00 GMT

Michael Phelps hits the bong?!?!

So what? Seriously, can we legalize this stuff already? I'm tired of itbeing an issue when it really shouldn't be. Which is pretty muchalways, in my opinion. Yes, it is currently illegal and therefore...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Feb 2009 13:59:00 GMT

C-SPAN's for funz

I'm fairy well convinced that we're all screwed.  I've been watching C-SPAN pretty much all day the last two days.  The House is currently "debating" the $825 billion Stimulus Package and amendments. ...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 14:39:00 GMT