making music, listening to music, films, food (eating, not making), skating, blading, socialising, travelling, far east, dim sum (yum), clubbing, pubbing, cinema, game development, psychology, video games, Hong Kong, Manchester, Japan, US, current affairs, dogs bottoms.
Anyone really. A fine looking lovely lady would be good though ;)
Hiphop, Drum and Bass, Breakbeat, Dance, Electronic, Jazz, Classical, and a bit of everything else!
Gangster Films, Memento, The Matrix, Return of the Jedi, Aliens, Life is Beautiful, Spirited Away, Saving Private Ryan, Fight Club, The Green Mile, Resevoir Dogs, The Pianist, Naked Gun films, Ring, Battle Royale, La Haine, Das Boot, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Pirates of the Carribean, LOTR trilogy, Kill Bill, Phonebooth, martial arts films, hong kong films etc etc
24, The Sopranos, Band of Brothers, Simpsons, Red Dwarf, Jacka$$, Adam and Joe, The Crystal Maze, Father Ted, Lost, Firefly, Little Britain, The Armstrongs, The Apprentice, Deal or No Deal.
Last book I read: Dave Gorman's Googlewhack Adventure. Entertaining stuff!
Those people who do great things for others with no credit, and those who persevere in horrible conditions.