Uselessly attempting to pay off massive sleep debt. Foreign supermarkets. Where the next meal's coming from. Flat tire paranoia. Nicknames. Vintage. The MOMA, The Getty, MOCA, LACMA, The Met, The Contemporary(STL), The Guggenheim. Reinvention. Culver City Art District. Strange currencies. Songs about California. New breakfast cereals. Old subway tiles. Santa Monica Power Yoga (for Models). Batting cages. Flea markets (Melrose!). Dim Mak Tuesdays@ Cinespace. Zombies. Coachella. Oysters. Looking at other people look at art. Mondays @ Beauty Bar(RIP). What song to play next. Pizza by the slice. Momofuku. Sun worship. 90 minute deep tissue. The snooze button. Beach glass. The DAILY SEIGE. Handstands. Egg worship. Varvatos. Touchless carwashes. Ethnic foods. The Mandrake. Smorkins. The drink list at The Hungry Cat in Hollywood. Songs about New York. Romantic telekinesis. Farmer's Markets. Ink. El Carmen. Subway tokens. SportieLA. FO2. Polaroids. Dream kareoke...I like to make soup. I always surrender to the beat. I am the eldest of three brothers, and the cold, hard truth is that the two people I love most dearly on this planet are the same two I barely get to see once a year. I get easily frustrated with people who flake. I consider rum, tequila, lager, and ale noble and loyal companions. I wish someone would find the cure to workaholism already. I love social events, but hate people. I am relieved beyond words to be living near the ocean again. I have an affinity for opinionated women with freckles, accents, and strange diction. I covet Kozy Shack rice pudding. I believe in breakfast, but seldom practice. I miss thunderstorms. I generally crave ramen. I often fetishize the burgers at Shake Shack, Carl's Drive-In, and Father's Office. I relish the small talk of cabbies, cashiers, and deliverymen. I was born on the Day of Arousal (along with Johnny Cash & Levi Strauss). I prefer bands over singer-songwriters. I trust in the power of art, and the craft necessary to make it possible. I continue to chase the muse. I respect hard-won experience more than anything. I don't drink nearly enough water. I treasure the fleeting beauty that is the twilight of youth. I yearn for spice, salt, and crunch. I am dying to get a puppy. I have been published in ESQUIRE, appeared in GQ, and interned at Harper's BAZAAR. I have the meanest chair pose you will ever frickin' see in your life.
LCD LOVE's Myspace Codes & LCD LOVE's Myspace Layouts