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Dahli Lam

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

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It's a year old, but still pertinant ...The energetic activation of the 7:7:7 Vortex in July allowed for a Sacred Union of Divine Feminine and Masculine energy and the grounding of this energy within and through your Multi-dimensional Energetic System. Since that time Lightworkers have been going through a process of clearing, cleansing and energy activations that have resulted in an even greater connection with Mother Earth and with the Creator through the heart.We recognize that it has not been an easy time as you have gone within and faced the last vestiges of your shadow. You have allowed your light to illuminate your own truth and power and you are learning to merge your light and dark. As you continue to merge you will see the relationship between your inner and outer realities and how you manifest both your fears and desires.The 11:11 StargateThe 11:11 Stargate has given each individual the power of access to the collective unconscious in order to remember ancient knowledge. It is the ancient knowledge of your own creation; the knowledge of your Spirit made flesh.This Stargate activation will continue to focus huge amounts of energy into the Earth and through Lightworkers who have chosen to carry this energy to assist Earth and humanity to shift to the next level of consciousness. As you effectively begin to carry and ground this energy you will feel very energized and focused. The many shifts and changes happening within Mother Earth have been working towards Her accepting and holding this beautiful energy. This is also true for Lightworkers; as you shift and change so too do you accept and hold this new energy. The key is to stay centered and balanced in both body and mind.For many there are symptoms of this shift: weight gain, heaviness in the legs and ankles; headaches, sore throats and burning in the hands and feet. Some of these symptoms are very similar to what a pregnant woman feels during the last few months of her pregnancy. This state is very relevant because you are holding a new energy that will be birthed into Mother Earth and shared with the rest of humanity. The due date for this "birth" will be the Stargate of 12.12.2005.The energy coming through now is of the Blue vibration which represents a rebirth and the beginning of a new cycle of consciousness. This cycle will link you to higher levels where you will discover even more of yourself, your soul and your purpose.The colour blue is linked to the stories of Creation. It is the colour of electricity. A spark of blue energy in the darkness created light, therefore we all come from darkness and your essence is a spiritual light of Divinity clothed in this life by a physical body. The Blue vibration entering your energy now will bring light to your dark and therefore bring about the knowledge of your own creation as a being of Love. This knowledge will further help you to continue to create a reality filled with Love, Peace, Joy and Abundance.Blue is also the colour of Truth and you are encouraged to begin walking your talk, speaking your truth, knowing your soul mission, and balancing your past, present and future in the now. Each individual has their own knowing of what is true and you have an opportunity now to discover your inner knowing and to begin expressing that. One of your tasks as a Lightworker is to speak your truth, to express your knowing and in doing this you shall encourage and empower others to do the same. We urge you to take advantage of this opportunity and move into your power, begin accessing your knowing and begin expressing it.The 12:12 Stargate of 2005The 12:12 Stargate will be the birthing of the sacred knowledge of your creation. The number 12 represents great understanding and wisdom and this Stargate affords you the opportunity of understanding and accessing the knowledge of your own creation, why you have chosen to be here, your soul purpose and the very reason for your Being. You are being offered the power of yourself and what it truly means to be a Human Being. It is an opportunity for you all to change your patterns and beliefs about yourselves as individuals. It is a chance for you all to realign yourselves with the original Blueprints of your creation which is one of LOVE.The Stargate will allow for you to bring spiritual stability into your life by bringing you understanding and therefore harmony between your mind and heart. Your heart knows where you are going and why you are here, but this Stargate gives your mind the opportunity to understand why and therefore you shall become even more conscious of your power, yourself and your individuality.This energy vibration plays an important part in your memory activation and is moving directly into your Root or Base Chakra. The cells in your Base Chakra hold the memory and knowledge of creation for each individual, as you are all the Keepers of the Sacred Knowledge. Just as Mother Earth has shifted in order to release ancient knowledge of Her creation, so too must you shift in order to unlock the ancient knowledge of your own. These original patterns for humanity's creation need to be grounded into the Earth so others may access this energy and therefore activate their own cells of ancient knowledge.The balancing of your Masculine and Feminine energy has allowed for the activation of this new energy to take root. We ask that you draw this energy into your Base or Root Chakra so that it is able to activate the cells of ancient knowledge within your twin strands of masculine and feminine energy; your DNA.The energy will rise like Kundalini through your energetic system and will exit out of your base into Mother Earth; and from your crown into the Universe. In this way you are accessing the ancient knowledge of Mother Earth and of the Stars.The rising of this new energy will raise your own levels of consciousness and it is critical that you learn to use it well. You all have the ability to shape the world with fairness, integrity and in balance and the awareness of the many ways in which you abuse your power and energy will become clearer during this time.In the past humanity learnt ways of abusing energy and power and have caused destruction on many levels. Due to the amazing work of Lightworkers around the globe, you are now being given the opportunity to access ancient knowledge that tells of the sacred ways of energy and the correct use of its power. These sacred ways have been hidden because of the fear of abuse but you have worked hard at clearing and cleansing your energy systems in order to hold this energy and begin using it in ways that are not damaging to yourself, to humanity and to Mother Earth. It is the responsibility of Lightworkers to embody these sacred ways and therefore show new positive ways of working with energy to create a reality that is one of joy, peace, love and abundance.All actions and deeds come around full circle as the Universal Law of Balance is always upheld. The Sacred Laws tell of the beauty and sacredness of life and it is time for you to look at the values that are governing your lives. Are these the values of an open heart? Learn to open gently and lovingly to an expanded view of life and see how the values and beliefs that you hold are reflected in the choices that you make each day. Life is not meant to be a struggle but a spiral dance of your own creativity. Look and see what lies behind your creativity and rekindle the wisdom and radiant love of your true self.Expand and unfurl the divinity of ancient knowledge within you, use the energy available to you now and see that it is a life force that brings health and wealth to body, mind and spirit. This energy will help to further fuse your soul life and physical life so you are more equipped in manifesting your dreams and desires. We encourage you to accept this wondrous gift and to join us in celebrating the awakening of your ancient selves. Click here for your own Retro Layouts

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By: GOIJust because a woman is writing about this topic, it doesn't mean it will be about flowers and little pink hearts floating in the air like happy bubbles. Actually, this is going to confuse most women, and some men too because I'm no Dr. Ruth and I don't have any sugar to coat your ugly misconceptions of Love with.Let me start by telling you that I didn't incarnate in this beautiful planet to learn about this emotion. It came to me at an early age and discovered that our misconceptions about love is holding back our spiritual growth. So I've decided to share my insights with you, to spare you the bullshit. :)First, let's get this out of the way: Love is not marriage. Love is not sex. Love is not a relationship. Love is unattached from emotion. Love is pure and simple.Take a look at DaVinci's Vitruvian man. The blue circle that you see is not a flat circle, but a sphere which extends metaphysically into the fouth dimension**. This sphere is actually a round, spherical tornado with a vortex in the center, which is our physical manifestation in the third dimensional realm*. Right smack in the middle of this sphere is the strongest part of the tornado. This area is where the Ego lives. The Ego is the voice that tells you to eat when you're hungry, to get up when you've fallen, to reproduce your offspring, basically to survive in this planet, hence the term "gut instinct." It is all good and well, but it also has its cons. This is the thing that is keeping us grounded, but it is also the thing which keeps our souls bound to our physical body. (more on this later...)*third dimension = physical reality on Earth**fourth dimension=realm that we can't see existing at a higher vibrational frequencySo over thousands of years, we've been led to believe that sex is bad. Now I did say that love is not sex, but let me get to my point here... Sex, this animalistic ritual, had been an important "key" to most occult/ancient rituals. Almost as if, the acts generates a form of powerful energy, still immeasurable to man. But let's assume that orgasms actually raise our own personal vibrations and perhaps, the entire universe... The "Gods" came down and loved having sex with the daughters of man so much that they built temples just for this activity.Now what does this have to do with the Ego? Well, the Ego is also responsible for making you think that Love is this emotion that we all must experience in a form of a relationship, ideally marriage. It also amplifies the urges to have meaningless sex for fun, for money, for other stupid reasons... We've forgotten that sex is sacred (not the Bible definition), but that we have forgotten the kind of power that we can harness from it. When a man and woman merge, they become one, polarities attract, and the exchanging of pure energies begin. The power can only be harnessed when there is no Ego involved, which means, the Body, the Mind, and the Spirit (Heart) must be pure for this magic to take place. The Body must surrender itself fully, the Mind must want it exclusively, and the Spirit must need it in order for polarities to connect, two spherical tornadoes merging into one bigger, more powerful one. The Kundalini energy passes through One Body and vibrations are raised.The merkaba of both bodies having sex merge, and turn, as long as there is no Ego involved. From Drunvalo's explaination, "We have a physical body, a mental body, and an emotional body and they all have star tetrahedral shapes. These are three identical friends superimposed over each other, the only difference among them being that the physical body alone is locked--it does not rotate...It is the linking together of the mind, heart, and physical body in a specific geometrical ratio and at the critical sped that produces the merkaba."When you start to separate the Ego from the soul, usually a process which involves seeing illusions for what they truly are, your perspective will start to change. Material things will no longer be important, physical things will not matter, and Love as society knows it, will be superficial. When the Ego is detached from the soul, we start to recognize that we are souls merely having a human experience, and so transcending will occur into higher realms.To deny sex with others simply because it's not "moral", is to deny our own personal, spiritual growth. And I don't mean that we should be going around slutting it up or be celibate for life, but sex should be practiced only when there is a need for it mentally, spiritually, and physically at the same time. Usually, when the Ego operates, it tells you that you need sex for only one or two of these three needs mentioned above. You can say that I think it's unnatural to be monogamous our entire lives, but it's also possible to find just one person you can growth with too.

My Blog

"Truth is a pathless land.

"Truth is a pathless land.Man cannot come to it through any organization,through any creed, through any dogma, priest or ritual,nor through any philosophic knowledge or psychological technique.He has ...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 18:55:00 GMT

the day of my leaving home country again

i don't know if i am happy to leave this time or just sad that the trip of a life time has ended for me.... what is next ????? this tie i don't fear getting caught or dying at sea. this time i will ha...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 00:05:00 GMT

taking a break

i have decide to head out and see the counrty that i call my  home land.. it is all that i had picture in dreams. but now i see with a different eyes. it is nothing like it was twenty five years ...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Feb 2006 19:45:00 GMT

this day to chase the spiriit out of your house

learning that you can do it n your own. looking inside and trusting what you have. i am a half a world away. and can't believe that i am closer to home then ever . nw i have to homes. it was important...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 19:37:00 GMT

inside looking oout

reachingdeep into the depths of the soul only to pull oout what youo never thought yu would find. stairing at the remains of yourself and trying learn what you really are and will become. we are all a...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Jan 2006 18:30:00 GMT


it is hard trying to get used to things here. what i mean is who to trust how to get back to finding your gut feelings. everything is easy and feed to us in the states and we forget what it means to f...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 20:54:00 GMT


so i am here at the place of my birth. wow. i was greeted at the airport by relatives and wizzed away to my aunts house. on the there in the cab. i broke down and started to cry. the reason was that a...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jan 2006 23:11:00 GMT

the wa vest of he /him

art like people , are imbued at the moment of their birth with an essential structure which will deifne the remainder of their existance. In a person, this is called "true nature" It is that fundamen...
Posted by on Wed, 11 May 2005 00:34:00 GMT

something to make you think

Sunday, May 18, 2003 FinallyTomorrow I was reading the paper about "SARS" and all these people were saying how we`ve been hit by a plague.. blah blah... as if we already don`t have a plague ...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Apr 2005 15:25:00 GMT

gifts from people

special people SPECIAL PEOPLE Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you fig...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Mar 2005 15:06:00 GMT