Music---Saxophone, Flute, Clarinet, Piano...etc...
Riding---Dirtbikes (my KX 250, and CRF 250...beauties)
New things, Anything new is interesting to me.
Branford Marsalis, a genius among saxophonists. Kenneth Tse, also in the same category. I would really like to meet someone who likes me for me, and shares my compassion, not just for the arts, but someone who is passionate about something in their life.Jenifer Garner, Liv Tyler, Adam Brody, Channing Tatum, Jenna dewan, Alyssa malano, Sebastian Stan, and Toby Hemingway :)View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
I like anything but country and rap...Red Hot Chili Peppers, AFI, Panic! at the disco, Kenneth Tse, Branford Marsalis, Queen, Rockapella, The Postal Service, fall out boy is ok...wicked, rent, tick tick BOOM! fan...
Comedies...action...Horror, I like pretty much any movies. Very few movies will I say it "sucked." National Treasure and Matchstix Men are brilliant (im a Cage fan). Monty Python...The Fifth Element is a classic that I've had memorized since i was 8...True stories like Freedom Writers are amazing...
Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, History Channel....not big on TV
Im not a reading kind of person but i do read every once in a blue moon. To Kill a Mocking Bird was was Of Mice and Men...The Chocolate War was actually very very very good...
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My family is one of the biggest supporters in everything i do. especially with my musical talent and career. But friends aren't to far off!!! i can't tell you how often Melisandra has saved my life. She is a saint, although my freshmen year i was scared of her! anyway now we are best friends and i don't know what I would have done without her! and ofcourse...Steve-o... He challenged me to be the best I can and i know it will be an ongoing challenge with us. Hope to cya around. And ofcourse, Mr. Kenneth Mello, who helped me be where I am today. Because of you I have a career, a talent, and a passion. Thank you for everything you have done and all that you will do.