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About Me

Shy, intelligent, fun-loving, adventurous, genuine and honest. Just trying to make my way in this fucked up world and hope to meet interesting people along the way.I am in the middle of my PhD in Queens at the minute and I'm not really sure if its what I want to do afterwards so trying to discover what I want from my life- deep, I know but I'm really pretty shallow! I definetly am over Belfast and need to escape- which I do frequently and as much as possible!If I could give myself advice I'd tell myself that I think I need to get out more. :)Pictures of my time in Galway:

San Francisco 2002 Get this FREE MySpace layout and more at

My Interests

Movies, Music, Travel, San Francsico, Trannyshack, ecology and environment, politics

I'd like to meet:

New interesting people to chat/go out with.Famous wize, want to meet John Cammeron Mitchel and Kylie. Actually, would be nice to meet both at once! That would be cool!
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Hard-Fi, Just Jack, The Feeling, Keane, Kylie, Annie, Jewel, Madge, Dannii, Sophie Elis-Bextor, Air, George Michael, Royksopp, Scissor Sisters, Kelis, Guillemots.


Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Amelie, The Brady Bunch, Hairspray, Rabitt Proof Fence, Vertigo, Phycho, Contact, AI, Minority Report, What ever happened to Baby Jane?, Pink Flamingos, Rope, Bourne Identity/Supremecy, Mysterious Skin, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Superman Returns..


24,Heroes, The Wire, Planet Earth, The Amazing Race, Lost, The Apprentice, Scrubs, Americas Next Top Model, South Park and (in the past 6 months) Hollyoaks!A gay Sandwich!


Great Expectations, 1984, Pride and Prejudice, Animal Farm, Wuthering Heights, Tales of the City, The Kiterunner, Memoires of a Geisha


John Hume, Quentin Crisp, John Paul McQueen

My Blog


Sarah made a wonderful Christmas dinner for myself and Jenny on Friday and we proceeded to go dance the night away in the Kremlin!  As always it was great fun!  And I ended up kissing someon...
Posted by Christopher on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 01:16:00 PST

Christmas is almost here!

So tis the season- I'm off to a bit of a slow start on the Christmas shopping (ie havent done any yet) but I'm starting to get into the festive spirit but not in the way I expected. I'm really into Ch...
Posted by Christopher on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 11:41:00 PST

Getting on a bit

So today I turned 27!!  It hasnt really hit me yet!  I cant say it feels bad but its a little weire to say I am now in my late 20s.   Its started me off on a lot of self examinatio...
Posted by Christopher on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 04:07:00 PST

Heklina in Dublin

I had the pleasure of seeing Heklina when she was in Dublin for the screening of the docmentary "Filthy Gorgeous: The Trannyshack Story" this weekend.  You can check out her myspace as she is&nbs...
Posted by Christopher on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 01:31:00 PST

New apartment!

OK, so finally got sorted in a new apartment with Sarah.  Its brand new and right in the city center- coincidently right beside Union street bar!  Very handy so should be going out there alo...
Posted by Christopher on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 08:32:00 PST

House hunt hell!!!

OK, been a while since last blog- I've been to bloody Vietnam and back!  I'm gonna post some pics of that and get my profile pimped!!! Anyway, I am currently very dissapointed in a friend who I h...
Posted by Christopher on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 03:04:00 PST

Presentation nerves

So my differentiation presentation is tomorrow- quite nervous but only because I'm not 100% on what I want to say.  My supervisor has done a run through and reckons it is great, I just need to sl...
Posted by Christopher on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 02:36:00 PST

signed up

Signed up to myspace to see what the fuss is all about.
Posted by Christopher on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 06:17:00 PST