Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, and for those of you with the benefit of flash photography -
the Windy City of Chicago apologetically brings to you -The Worst Band in the World
And thus that evening in the dingy urine-soaked tavern, a band of five diverse yet equally stupid primates
began their quest for world domination. The combining of entities such as those who make up Torg was
so unlikely an event that only the promise of bail money, cheap booze, and sweet sweet booty was a siren
song great enough to lure them all in. Once combined, Torg is a forged machine that many can surpass. However,
none dare try. A couple scant years later, Torg is still the beast that is too dumb to die. The band has signed to
Scarey Records (home of acts such as Antiseen, The Nerds, Texas Terri and The Bulemics) who plans to release
Torg's new album in early winter 2005. Their previous two releases, the Electropussy E.P. (now sold out)
and the Hot Yogurt Enema full-length, continue lower the IQ of all those who dare listen.
Torg has spread their audio destruction through two national tours and two European tours as well
as countless regional tours, sharing the stage with the likes of Trouble, Wet Animal, stuck Mojo,
The Mentors, Murder Junkies, Kill Allen Wrench, The Bulemics, The Nerds, Crowbar, Eyehategod and Soilent Green.
Regardless of the genre they are paired with, Torgs ham-fisted rock will prevail to win over fans of many music genres,
as all music fans inevitably bow to the chutzpah of the ill-smelling five. Torg has also received
sponsorships from such fine institutions as Jagermeister, In-Tune Guitar Picks, EMG Pickups, and
Randys Rolling Papers. Torg has sold their souls, organs, the neighbor's electronic goods, and even their
self-respect to grow their empire of capitalistic rock and roll success. So what drives these groundbreaking artists,
as Torg thunders on with their behemoth of conquest? The same things that mattered in the beginning: violence, mayhem,
and random destruction. Oh, and sweet sweet booty. Here they are, in all their unsanitized glory!
Torg: the Worst Band in the World!