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Wandering Gypsy

Someday My Prince Will Come

About Me

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My name is Amanda, I am 18 years old. I first got started on Myspace.com about three and a half years ago now, mostly to meet new friends. Originally blonde, although I have tried many different hair colors these past couple years, blue eyes and about 5’7”, my weight: my business. I am now officially a senior and will be graduating in June, and when I go to college I hope to obtain a masters degree in Secondary Education and English/Literature, with a minor in creative writing. My goals include, but are not limited to improving my skills in the things that I enjoy, which are mainly in the arts: writing (poetry or prose), playing piano, cooking, drawing and painting. I also hope to become proficient in the Italian language because it is my dream to one day go on a long vacation in Italy. I would like to see a little bit of all of Europe, but Italy is my main dream and focus. There is so much there to see: history, art, architecture, not to mention a wide variety of great cuisine and beautiful landscape and seascapes. I think it would be fantastic to go on one of those boat tours to Antarctica and see the glaciers and penguins, but I am not waiting with baited breath on that particular venture. Aside from Internationally there are several places within the country which I hope to visit someday, some of which include: The Islands of Hawaii and the Pearl Harbor Memorial, Cape Canaveral, The Rock and Roll hall of Fame, The Smithsonian and Metropolitan Museums of Art, The Golden Gate Bridge, The Brooklyn Bridge, Ellis Island, and Ripley’s Believe it or Not Museum, among others on an ever expanding list. I also have self-oriented goals, both academic and otherwise, which while challenging and often must be taken on a day to day basis, I hope to achieve.

My Interests

In general my interests lie with the arts. I enjoy both reading and writing poetry and prose, and while I am not an active participant I do enjoy seeing a good play now and again. I love music, although it has been my finding that it and poetry are closely related and sometimes intertwined. I enjoy cooking, and likewise eating good food, perhaps the Italian part of my heritage showing itself. I also enjoy drawing/sketching mostly from photographs because I hate to inconvenience others to sit for a portrait, or because it is simply too hard to catch the wild animal I am attempting to draw. (I sketch using only graphite pencils as my medium, I hope to learn how to use other techniques in the future however) I also enjoy painting, in which endeavor I use both acrylics and watercolor mediums. I also occasionally enjoy playing video games on my Game Boy Advanced (don’t even start with me about it being outdated, and the new systems for TVs like the X-Box 360 being better. They still make games for my system I will not update every few months when they come out with something new for another hundred bucks when I can use that money to get new games for my perfectly usable older system thank you.) and writing on my laptop, and of course, surfing the web, and of course my I-pod is an integral part of any day (see my music section for more details).

I'd like to meet:

If we are speaking completely hypothetically I would like to meet Jesus, Helen Keller, Ghandi, William Shakespeare, Eleanor Roosevelt, Emily Dickinson, and Joan of Arc… If we are speaking realistically, then I would like to meet other people who share my interests, and someday meet my Mr. Right, but I am in no rush on the latter. My ideal guy would be someone who is kind, considerate, sympathetic, honest, who shares my sense of humor, and who enjoys at least some of the same things that I do, someone who is to some degree a romantic as I am, and lastly but certainly not least someone who is not afraid of demonstrating gentility in an impersonal world (Holding the door or offering to pay for the check still scores points, at least with me). I am not the sort of girl who has preconceived notions of what my Mr. Right will look like, for the most part I am not particular about superficial qualities. I don’t require tall, dark, and handsome, anymore than I require a beach boy with bleached blonde hair and blue eyes. My ideal guy would make me the most important thing in his life and go to great lengths to make sure I know it, would tell me I am beautiful especially when I don’t believe it, and love me with everything he is, would see only me in a room full of people, just as I would for somebody I love. (I don't love in pieces, but entirely) I love this quote from one of my favorite books: The Great Gatsby, it would be nice to meet someone like this I think: "He smiled understandingly -- much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of external reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life. It faced -- or seemed to face -- the whole eternal world for an instant, and then concentrated on you with an irresistable prejudice in your favor. It understood you just so far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that, at your best, you hoped to convey." (The Great Gatsby--F. Scott Fitzgerald)Love makes life so confusing, but without love would you want to live?
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Music is a big part of my life, I love it. I sometimes enjoy finding theme songs to fit my friends or people that I know, and occasionally try to pinpoint a theme song for my own life, on a day to day or week to week basis: this choice is sometimes reflected in my page’s song. I would not say that I am a very good dancer, but I enjoy and appreciate dance, and think it would be fun to take classes to improve. (By which I do not mean I want to learn how to grind like I so frequently see at the few school dances I attend, I do not consider that a form of dance or self expression.) I am more of a quiet patron of music, a wallflower if you will, I dance in the solitude and safety of familiar company or behind my closed bedroom door, and mouth the words to the many songs I know by heart so that no one can criticize my voice. But put me in a car by myself with the stereo…. then all bets are off behind the anonymity of sunglasses. I have very eclectic musical taste, I enjoy at least a few songs of almost any genre, and I am not by any means intimidated by a song that is older than myself, moreover I find it sad that anyone is. I primarily enjoy music from the 50s or later, but I also listen to Jazz and Classical music as well. Some of my favorite artists and Bands include: Elvis Presley, Little Richard, Bob Dylan, The Beach Boys, Billy Joel, The Carpenters, CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival), Daryl Hall & John Oates, Simon &Garfunkel, Five for Fighting, Johnny Cash, KISS, ACDC, Styx, Aerosmith, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Matchbox Twenty, Rod Stewart, Patsy Cline, Tim McGraw, Phil Collins, R.E.M., Savage Garden, and LeAnn Rimes to name a few.


I have a great appreciation for cinema, and having a large family has provided me with exposure to a vast range of genres and interests. I primarily enjoy Dramas, Romances, Comedies and a good Horror film ( And by good I do not mean the latest craze of movies which are classified as horror, which do nothing so much as prevent the audience from eating their movie popcorn or snacks. I do not equate blood, guts and gore in excess to a good Horror movie. No, I did not enjoy Hostel, nor have I seen its sequel, or have the desire to. I stand by the classics such as Alien, Predator, the first *but only the first* of The Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, and Friday the Thirteenth series.) Some of my favorite movies include: BBC’s Pride & Prejudice, The Ref, X-Files: Fight the Future (I am still pulling for their ever delayed sequel *fingers crossed*), The Chronicles of Riddick, Van Helsing, Casablanca, Bridget Jones’ Diary, The Man in the Iron Mask…. There are many more I am sure to think of later, but you now have a general idea.PS. FOR READERS: I just watched the movie Suburban Girl and it was FANTASTIC!! It's my new favorite.


I no longer have TV. So I am thriving on movies. I am, however, addicted to the show The X-Files!! I am a total Shipper for that show! (FYI: In case you are not aware of this terminology a shipper is a dedicated fan of a particular series or show who believes there is a relationship between two characters on the show that is not talked about/shown, or wishes desperately there was one. I admit it, I have yelled at the TV a few times for Mulder and Scully to ‘kiss already!’)I have all the seasons on DVD and the movie. Needless to say I can't wait for the sequel (due for release in July!!).


I am an avid reader, with an extensive vocabulary and atrocious spelling (so there, don’t feel bad we all lack something). I enjoy reading anything from Shakespeare to Dean Koontz, and of course there are always those individual novels I pick up from the shelves and enjoy, but never manage to remember the authors of. One of my favorite authors is Jane Austen, but Shakespeare is also somewhere high up on the list too. I enjoy reading Dramas, Romance, Historical Fiction, Mystery, Suspense, Fantasy, Humor, and Biography/Autobiography…. sometimes even textbooks if I enjoy the subject matter. Some of my favorite works include: Pride & Prejudice, The Great Gatsby, Much Ado About Nothing, and Jane Eyre among others


Jesus and my mother, some of my teachers I think that says it all.

My Blog

Pre-Trip Log

Dear Readers,         We left our house a little after five, completely empty, I didn't remember that the basement echoed when it was empty. Yesterday we, that is to...
Posted by Wandering Gypsy on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 06:41:00 PST

Check out this video: EXAMS: The Smartest Kid In Class

Posted by Wandering Gypsy on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 10:55:00 PST

New Survey

Answer Truthfully1. Real Name: Amanda2. Middle:  I like it a lot so I tell few people what it is, I find middle names are only used in anger3. State: My home state's Alaska, but I'm in Vermo...
Posted by Wandering Gypsy on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 05:24:00 PST

A Toast to all singletons

Anyone miserably single/lonely and singe/(fill in the blank) should appreciate this, this is for all my other fellow unhappy and single people.... "Here's to the men that we love, And here's to the me...
Posted by Wandering Gypsy on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 04:10:00 PST