Hey!!Welcome to my space!!..Welcome 2 my Life!!..Greetingz my frenz...d name is Aizat...call me Aizat..huhu..currently schooling at MaresmarT(mrsm tepeng)..SPM 2005 candidate(oh no!!!)...yah,i think no one ever looking forward to it,rite?...erm..actually,i'm not really active using this myspace la...i prefer more using friendster coz it's more convenient 4 me..besides,many of my frenz using frenster...sori myspace..no intentions of promoting friendster...dun wory!;p well,back to me,typical guy,who likes to meet new people with interesting n wacky personalities...really like to knoe u guys!..yea,you!!...n you!!...n you!!....you too!(",) ...want to knoe about me,simply add me k...au revoir!**** huh,all of the above are expired already..so damn malas nk update kan huhuhuhu
I edited my layout at Vatos-X.com , check out these Myspace Layouts!