All of you! Anyone that can put up with me! All my heroes!
Noel Fielding :)
I'm Vince!
Take Which Mighty Boosh Character Are You? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey 's Personality Test Generator . You're Vince, owner of fantastic hair and a fondness for bright colours and soft fabrics. Nephew of a french duke, you were roped into working at the Zooniverse when your good friend Howard took you out of school, saying that GCSEs werent important. Your life's ambition is to be in a band, frontman obviously, using your ability to pull shapes.
"Don't think; feel. It's like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger, or you will miss all the heavenly glory." Bruce Lee in Enter The Dragon (1974) Bruce Lee Noel Fielding! Peter pan!, Mufasa and Ryu =] All of Team Ryouko =] and of course my friends, especially those who seemingly manage to put up with me. I've got loads of others too but they are probably the main =P