Hey! My name's Paul, I'm 22 and very easy goin, i like to have a laugh and piss about as much as possible! :)
by Cookie
001. What is Your Name? Paul
002. How old are you? 22
003. What is the link to your website/blog/or/myspace?
004. Eye color? brownish
005. Shoe Size? 9
006. Hair color? brown
007. Height? 5'11
008. Weight? 11st
009. Food? curry
010. Drink? beer
011. Movie? Happy Gilmore
012. Music Band? Blink 182
013. Animal? dog
014. Sport? Footie
015. Place to live? a house
016. Subject? something i know about
017. Best thing that happened to you in the last few years? Hayley
018. Do you want to get married? Yeah
019. Kids? maybe
020. Best place to go on a date? Cinema
021. What is your dream? to be rich
022. What do you want to do when you grow up? Fireman
023. Play an instrument? i wish
024. List 5 things (inc. brand) you are wearing right now duffs top, fossil watch, jeans, calvins!!! only 4 things!
025. Friend you have known the longest? Rich Healy
026. Best friend(s)? Hayley, Neil, Rich(x2)
027. Friend that makes you laugh the most? they all make me laugh equally :)
028. Friend who you can talk to anything about? H
029. Friend with the best personality? i dunno
030. Last friend to call you? Rich n
031. Last friend to talk to you? Hayley
032. Last friend you hung out with? Hayley
033. Last friend you went to a movie with? Hayley
034. Last friend to make you laugh? Hayley
035. Most memorable experience with a friend? Belize with 3 very good friends
036. Anything you plan to do with friends when you get older? An orgy
037. Any trips planned with friends? America hopefully soon
Opinions/ Thoughts
038. Abortion? depends on the situation
039. Gay rights? don't care
040. Sex? awesome
041. Micheal Jackson? fuckin weirdo
042. Drugs and alcohol? beer then paracetamol
Other Questions...
043. Ever travelled anywhere? no, i sit in my house all day long, day in day out.
044. What places do you want to visit? California, New York, Australia
045. Where do you want to live when you're older? A mansion
046. How happy are you with where you are in life? Why? its good, could be a lot worse
047. What's your most embarrassing moment? farting whilst hanging upside down in a gym changing room when someone walked in
048. Do you have any art or pictures on your walls? Describe it. yep, a picture H made for me
049. Do you remember your dreams? Sometimes
050. Do you believe in love at first sight? Nah
051. Are you a virgin? haha
052. What was your favorite childhood toy? a football
053. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? nah
054. If you were stuck on an island who would you want with you? my friends
055. What's the best thing that could come out of this year? winning the lottery!!