One bright day in the middle of the night
Two dead men stood up to fight
Back to back they faced each other
Drew their swords and shot each other
A blind man there to see fair play
And two big dummies to shout hurray
A legless donkey passing by
Kicked the blind man in the eye
A deaf policeman heard the noise
And came and arrested the 2 dead boys
I Love.
-my family
-Going to shows
-my friends
-making/listening to music
-Meeting new people
-rare moments
-getting voicemails
-old vintage looking clothes
-Buffalo Wild Wings
-doing random things evern though im not very spontaneous
-hugs hugs hugs
-watching Will Ferrel movies
-spending time with my friends
-inside jokes
-cold weather
-laughing at anything
I Dont Like
-blowing my nose
-that flushing sound the toilet makes when its quiet
-not having water at night
-when people are mad at you for stupid stuff
-awkward moments