when your with me dont blink,breath in slowly and take it all in,cuz my hearts big on yours.
I can be a coward sometimes, but im truely courageous.The chances I take are vary high
in risk but im willing to take them by the hand fulls.Theres not a day that gos buy I dont feel a little
weak inside.I seem to laugh at the wrong momments and smile at the right times.My brain and vocal chords act
without thinking.
So try to forgive me when I make my human mistake and say something that might be unecessary.
I cry for the right reasons and hide for the wrong.I dont like to argue, but i stand up for what's rightfully mine.
I go forword with things even if it seems like the hardest thing to do.Im a day dreamer.
Ill never be the girl you think I am,for I'm forever changing by
every minute.I'm more then you could ever handole,I'm doing so much more then trying to fitt in.
I never dawel on Regrets for I learn from them.Im a daughter to two amazing parents.
I tend to like alot of the same things as other people,but my opinions will always stay original.
Im a girl with stars in her eyes and smile that can say it all.I read books to be a person I can't be in this lifetime.My best friend means ahole lot to me even if we arnt friends anymore.
I go after the things I want,until I feel its impossible to get them.
Just take me as i am and dont try to change me.Cuz im a 19 year old moody girl,with out a care in the world.
Im takeing days as they come and I have noclue whats going to happen next or what my future holds for me I guess I can be
surprised I dont mind=].
I'm sorry I'm young,and I'm still learning.I've been broken, But i seem to be holding myself together pretty well.Dont bullshit me, and well do great things.
Do me wrong, and i wont give you the time of day.
Cause honestly, i dont have the time to deal with bullshit and promises that you cant keep.
The truth is you'll never be on my level.