..-a peRfEcT gUY-..Tells me iam beautiful instead of hot, kisses me on the forehead, leaves me voice messages to wake up to, holds my hand at any moment even if its just for a second, when i am upset he holds me tight, recognize all the small things, sings to me no matter how bad his voice is(breaks into song mid sentence!), picks me over all the other girls you hang out with, writes me notes, plays with my hair, picks me up and tickles me, sits and just talks with me, if im mad at him he kisses me, gives me piggy back rides, brings me flowers just because, slow dances with me even if there is no music playing, kisses me in the pouring rain, tells me he is falling in love with me, smiles when he sees me and just is there for me when i need him..
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My mOmMY!! and my big sister auBReY!... ♥yOu 100 million dollars!!..I woulDN'T bE tHE pERsOn i AM toDAY wiThOUT yoU tWo!!