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And this one is one it's way:People with interest in mod-culture and music!
Modmusic, Northern Soul, Boogaloo, Ska, 60s Funk, Freakbeat, Rythm and Blues, Mod-jazz. NU Jazz and Latin with modfeeling!
My current top 5 Northern Soul Playlist (I have these ones on original vinyl)
Just brothers - Carlena
Lou Lawton - Knick Knack Patty Wack
Linda Jones - I Just can't Live my life
Chantels - Indian Giver
Vibrations - Cause You're Mine
Brazil (Terry Gilliams), Stalker (Tarkowskij), Gloria (Cassavetes), Voksne Mennesker (danish), everything of Jim Jarmusch, Win Wenders, Hal Hartley, Godard, Woody Allen, Bollywood action movies from the 70s (shaan, shakahar, etc.).
Twilight Zone, The Kingdom (Lars Von Trier)
Function at the Junction - it's youth culture