Games, anime, manga, cosplay, swords, horror, rpg, fantasy
Gamers, cosplayers, manga/anime Otaku's, Shigsy, PikminLink, Raf Picavet (banaan banaan XP), Sithis
PM me for a pokémon netbattle or trade!
Pal code: 1031 7755 0591
Random music...anime themes, J-pop/ J-rock X3
Spiderman movies, LoTR trilogie, Evil dead, zombie movies and basicly any movie that manages to give me the creeps.
Naruto, Gundam Wing, Bleach, Deathnnote, Hellsing, ...
Under the streets of New York, the musseum murders, ...
Spidey XD , Kakashi sensei!, Link and Shigsy the Ninty man! (nintendo)