<[ 1981~Metal RoOstErs can cOm oFf s ArrOganT n stUck uP @ t|mEs. ThEy n|d a cUsh|on 4 tat OvErExtEndEd EgO n sOmEonE 2 makE surE |t staYs |nflatEd. ThEy r rEasOnablE ppl whO sEEm 2 anaLyzE EvEry dEc|s|on thEy makE n EvEry s|tuat|on thEy f|nd thEmsElvEs |n. ThEy r standOff|sh @ t|mEs n caN lEt thE|r agrEsS|on gEt |n thE way Of a BlOssOm|n fr|Endsh|p or rOmaNcE. ThEsE RoOstErs shlD takE a brEaThEr frOm thE|r Egos LOng Enuff 2 rEally njOy waT thEy hav 2 OffEr. FrEnds of thE RoOstErs cannOt b sEns|t|vE ppl. aS bOssy, ovErbEar|n n bLunt As thE RoOstEr |s, u can |mag|nE jus abt anyOnE wOuldn'T las w|thOut a sEnsE Of humOr! Tat's whY RoOstErs tEnds 2 hav mOrE acqUa|ntancEs thaN actUal frEnds. St|l, anY frEnd Of a RoOstEr knws hOw dEpEndablE n hOnEst hE |s n trEasUrEs h|s frEndsh|p dEsp|tE h|s arrOgrancE. >]