This is basically my interests. Men who can pull off Mark's sexy eyebrow. I mean seriously, who can resist that look? Yes, Mark, I will tango.
I'd like to meet:
Oh, where to begin? Johnny Depp (my one true love) and Colin Firth and Eric Bana and Viggo Mortenson and Jake Gyllenhal and Ewan McGregor, just to name a few. I'd like to meet Barack Obama, and John McCain. I'd definatly die to meet The Who. I adore Alice Seabold, and would love to talk to Robert Bly. Jack Black makes me laugh, I would kiss Seth Myers on the mouth if I saw him and I love John Stewart. Any muscian, writer, politican, actor, dancer or interesting personality. And don't even get me started on the cast of Rent. (Adam Pascal, know this -I love you)
Your Quotes
What I Love to Hear You Say
"What now, bitch?! What now? I'm in jail!" ~ Tessie
"Bros before hoes, man" ~ House
"You are lucky man. You're triple lucky!" ~ Homeless man talking to Dirk about walking around with Christine, Katie and I
"And I've got the pictures to prove it." ~ Katie
"Okedoke - Smokey Pokey" ~ Mona
Carmen:"Look a purple elphant!" Tessie: "Mr Purple Elephant, I don't think you're allowed on the boardwalk. I think you and your pink monkey friend should leave!" ~ Them
"When my cell phone rings, I can sing my own song." ~ Dylan
"Guido" ~ Tessie, Mom and I
"Arbo-pheliac." ~ Steve and Chris
"I learn alot about foreshowding. Reading backwards." ~ Carmen
"Olivia's poem: I am nine tonight!/She tells me I'll be 18 tomorow. Jessiy's response: I'm 17 today. Tomorow: dead!" ~ Us
"Dildo on the horizon!" ~ Mr. House
"I can't believe this sharpie exploded on my - um - arm!" MO
"FLORIDA - where almost all the old people in the country are..." ~ Sam .N
"That's not my bubba!" ~ Bonnie
"Oh! - I wish that hadn't happened." ~ Gary
"You can't stop our love!" ~ House M.D
"When are you going to need to kill more than one person at a time?" ~ Sid
"I-AM-A-LION" ~ Bonnie
Me: "Look, there is a cat in the yard" Tessie: "No, it's just a very, very, very small rappist." ~ Us
"How do you arm the blind? Give them gernades!" ~ Dylan
"Vampires should run blood drives." ~ Dirk
"What do you use that nuke for? Hunting." ~ Camilo
"Sure, she's a prostitute, but that doesn't mean she has to wear PLEATHER" ~ Gary
Moreah: "House, you remind me of a retard. But a graceful one, who loves to perform." House: "You have no idea how often people say that to me." ~ Them
Andrew blows me a kiss - claiming I know owe him $8. I blow him a kiss back, to pay my debt. He says: "That wasn't worth anything - in fact, now you owe me $12!" ~ Andrew
"12 grand?!? Ok, Tessie - you're losing those peepers. Get ready to be blind." ~ Mom
"Alice Phalis doesn't dance. Alice Phalis moves." ~ Lauren
"We were just chill-axing int the stair well web a symbolic wed descended upon us." ~ David
Me: "Mmmmmm - cashews." Tessie: "Mmmmmm - mamas." ~ Us
"R.E.D.C.R.O.S.S = Readily Eating and Drinking Children's Red and Outstandingly Sumptous Sangre" ~ Dirk and Me
"El cuerpo de su (Dirko) mama esta como un mueso" ~ Elidoro
Gary: "WHat other figure in Western thought said 'Give up all you have and come with me'?" Sid: "Charlie Mason?" Gary: "Well - I was actually thinking Jesus..." ~ Them
"You have to fully intergrate sheep into the society, or not at all." ~ Dirk
"Yetis are wicked fast" ~ Tessie
"What is batman but a man in a costume?" ~ Peel
"I'm over it, Sam! Give me back my paddle!" ~ Katie
"I would hire 4 pirates!" ~ Cassandra
"I had the perfectly good response of "Fuck you!" but, you know - she was so tiny." ~ My GRANDMOTHER
"What did you do with THOSE boys... in THAT car... in THAT shirt?!" ~ My boss
"No castration without representation!" ~ Gwen
"I'm such a slob- I shouldnt'eat. Not with clothes on anyway." ~ Da-rule
"I think the only point of flying the U.S. flag on U.S. territory is to tell foriegners where they are." ~ Dirk
Ducky:"I'm totally masticating this!" Christine: "You WHAT?!" Camilo: "Masticate. You thought that was naughty, didn't you?" House: "Yet another argument for vocabulary." ~ Them
"I have to lower my intelligence just to talk to you." ~ Katie
"I'm feeling much closer to you, Dylan - ever since you licked my scalp." ~ Tony
Tessie: "Pedro, you got cheese on my clean table!" Pedro: "Well... it's clean cheese." ~Them
Carmen "we're taking our 'Mutiple Personalities' test.. no wait, our 'Multiple Intelligences' test next year. Nobody has multiple personalities but me." Tessie: "That's fuuny, cause neither of your personaliies have intelligence." ~ Them
"It's too early for Kafka" ~ Mo
"I don't rob the cradle" ~ Camilo
Tony: (Reading a ballot Cassidy and I wrote) "Mamas or cashews?" Sid: "Oh, mamas." Tony: "I dunno... I like cashews." ~ Them
"...There is... catnip - under his desk" ~ Mo
"That's very WINTERESTING" ~ Dirko
"We're loosing all our hair - but gaining weight!" ~ Danielle
“This girl is a thinker- and you know what? It’s true, because I was thinking last night.†~ Katie
"I am so proud of you - i will go in your room and steal something to give you." ~ Tessie
To Mona: "I want to carry your baby" ~ Benjamin
"You know that whole 'I am my mother's father' thing." *pause* "No... wait...." ~ Tessie
"She wasn't old, she was crippled." ~ Tessie
"They throw you out on the street with $20 and a crack pipe. Can Kirby kids make it?" ~ Moreah
"I love this woman!" ~ Dylan
"That's my whole blocking this whole play. Me leaping across the stage going 'BOOOBIES!'" ~ Camilo
"Everyone knows everything. It's like an old Jewish village." ~Bonnie
"For having such large breats you have a very small heart." ~ Tessie
"Then - a darkling flew through the window, and - what? Oh course darklings live in Aptos. I live there, I seen 'em." ~ Tony
Tessie: "What if you died on a swing?" Carmen: "I'd die happy." ~ Them
(While Cassidy is dressed up for Senior servant week) Nils: "Cassidy, are you wearing a bra?" Cassidy: "It's built in." ~ Them
"I need to know the truth so I can lie about it" ~ Tessie
*Leaves rustle* *snap snap* "Owww..." ~ Cole falling out of a tree
(tessie tells a quick story at hyper-speed and then, with awe in her voice-) "That was just like a 5 act play with 14 different charcters" ~ CarmenGet Your Own! | View Slideshow
Two of My Favorite Things
House M.D + The Who's Baba O' Rielly = Absolute Love
Who even knows anymore. I'll listen to practically anything. Having been through and recovered from a country phase, I can proudly say I am a clasic rock fan (The Who, ACDC, Hendrix and others) an alternative fan (Lifehouse, John Mayer, Maroon 5) an alternative rock fan (Greenday, Jimmy Eat World, Fall out Boy) a musical fan, (RENT!!!) and I am currently infatuated with Juanes, who is singer all on his own out there.
Concerts I've seen:
The Who (twice)
Cobra Starship (twice)
Jimmy Eat World
Jewel (twice)
Mary Chapin Carpenter (six or seven times)
Bonnie Rait, James Taylor and Jackson Brown
Flogging Molly
Maroon 5
Panic! at the disco
Jack's Mannequin
No way man, there are WAY to many for this.
This is easy: CSI, Law and Order, Friends, West Wing, Big Love. I'll always watch Trading Spaces if it's on ( I don't go looking for it, I swear) and I always seem to end up watching One Tree Hill, but only if Mona is there...
Oh man, this is like choosing a favorite child. I have to think for a second...
Ok, a short list? I guess I could pull that off. (Remember these are my favorite books right now, it could be totally different tomorow)
1.) "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Seabold. If you haven't read it , you haven't lived. Seriously.
2.) "The Eyre Affair" plus the rest of the Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde. For all you geeks out there, these books are so full of snarky little literary jokes you'll squirt milk out your nose.
3.) "Ella Enchanted" by Gail Carson Levine. I first read it when I was eight or so. I still love it. Whenever I'm sad I pull out my worn little copy and re-read the part when Char... well, I won't spoil it. Basically, it's the best.
Ok, I can't name anymore. I just love them all. Doing this is cruel torture.
I'm not sure. Everyone on SNL. People from my favorite movies or books. I have to admit, I look up to Ella from Gail Carson Levine's Ella Enchanted. I've probably read it 100 times, and I still love it to death. And Char... what a man!U CAUTION IN THE INTEREST OF SAFETY IT IS ADVISABLE TO KEEP OLIVIA AWAY FROM FIRE AND FLAMES.
From Go-Quiz.comShit man, if you know me you know I could not have a better warning label. If you ever have to leave me alone for a long time give me some matches and I'm set! (Actually this reminds me of a Monivia antecodote involving a Best Western lobby, fake sugar, ceral boxes and a few candles...)
A Few of My Other Heros
A.K.A All of You Fine, Lovely People
Tessie, behind bars, where she belongs
Calculus kids loose on the town
We ARE bad ass. No questions asked.
Last day o' school 2006
We were painting the tree house and things got out of hand
My loverlies
Gustauf looks more then slightly stoned and Aaron refuse to smile. Oh joy.
Ryan beating us at cards. I don't even remember this game and I know he is beating us. Cause thats what he does. He beats people. Even when he plays left handed.
What a hottie
This was the face of agony we found grafitied on the pole by my parking spot at camp. We had no idea what we were in for.
Three hunky studs
Harlan and Tony: evil tyrnats of the universe
The Boffers!
Do you know her? Cause I don't...
Playing dress up.
He's thinking about sex poetry, I know it.
Two of my favorite people ever.