~*~Well... I'm just the usual girl that likes to have fun. I love going out as much as I like to stay in. I love sports as well as parties, and I love my old friends as well as making new ones~*~
Girly Myspace Layouts
~*~all the people who put a smile on my face~*~
img src="http://images.mygirlyspace.com/myspacegraphics/images/b
anners/prod_659_21627.png" border="0" alt="Girly Myspace Layouts" title="Girly Myspace Layouts
~*~all kinds~*~
~*~scary movies are my favorite~*~
~*~grey's anatamy~*~
~*~Cut...Lovely Bones...The Other Sister...Death Be Not Proud...A Child Called It~*~
Myspace Layouts
~*~Everyone that has helped me when i needed it ♥~*~