Happy 2009 |
After a brief holiday time hiatus, point a to b is firing back up. Keep an eye out for new stuff. Posted by on Fri, 09 Jan 2009 17:40:00 GMT |
Point A To B Wants to play your living room |
Need an opener for a house show you're putting together? I'd love to play it. Get in touch. Email me here or [email protected] Posted by on Thu, 18 Dec 2008 10:09:00 GMT |
Musical collaborators welcomed... |
So, here's the deal. Over the last few years, I've put a couple bucks into some recording stuffs. Money that could of been better spent on things like food, and credit card payments, But meh, whatever... Posted by on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 15:46:00 GMT |
Percussionist & Songwriting partner in crime needed for duo |
Below is the text of an ad I posted to CraigsList ::
Allow me to take a different approach on this type of ad. I'm looking for the Benjamin Weikel to my Brandon Summers. The Jeremiah Green to by Isaac... Posted by on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 14:56:00 GMT |
Ok, Ok, new stuff is on the way I swear |
You try having somebody cut 2-3inch long holes on both sides of your abdomen and tell me if you still feel like picking up a guitar.Regardless, stuff is lined up and in progress so hold tight, new shi... Posted by on Fri, 23 May 2008 06:37:00 GMT |