My personality...Hi-powered,Explosive,Dominate,Witty,Unpredicta
ble and Random but thats not to say I've a huge heart and am full of love thanks to mom...Slient,quite,cunning,fast thinking,good problem solver as long as those problems aint personal cause as far as my personal life its a plane wreck in progress Spiraling down from 40,000ft with peices falling off everywhere... I've lived in Turlock for a year and a half AND FUCKEN HATE IT!!!! A city boy like me used to the concrete sprawl and urban jungle reduced to fucken corn fields, Rude ass fucken people, Fucken horrible ass livestock smell, Not to mention The crazy Fucken females around here who are either WITH SOMEONE, PREGNANT, CHEATING and the list goes on and on...!
What military aircraft are you?
F-15 Eagle
You are an F-15. Your record in combat is spotless; you've never been defeated. You possess good looks, but are not flashy about it. You prefer to let your reputation do the talking. You are fast, agile, and loud, but reaching the end of your stardom.
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