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About Me

NaMe::LiEn NgUyEn AgE::13 yOuNgiN' LyLo gUrL BiRtHdAy::FeBrUaRy 24tH, 1991 StAtz::SiNgLe BuH HaVe sOmEoNe iN MiNd NaTiOnaLiTy::ViEt 'n' cHiNeSe ScHoOL::KaStNeR InTeRmEdiAtE sChOoL cLaSs oF::1009 LiKes::PINK PINK PINK!! HaHaHa, SpRiNgRoLLs, Dr. PePpEr, pHo ScReEnNaMe::dOrKyViEt559 eMaiL::[email protected] MSN::[email protected] AsiAnAvEnUe SiTe:: l?MEMBER=not_2_kyoote XaNgA SiTe:: tHiS iS aLL fOr nOw! PeAcE OuT LaTa

My Interests

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i wOuLd LyKe tOo mEeT CeLeBriTiEs!! mUaHaHaz aNd MaH cOuSiNs 'n' uNcLeS aNd My ReLaTiVeS iN ViEtNaM aGaiN!!