I have way too many to name, I love movies. I'll watch pretty much anything, but my favorites, are Science Fiction, Comedy, Drama, Political Intrigue, Horror, Action/Adventure, Independent (so like I said, pretty much everything). Here are couple of my favorites; "The Usual Suspects", "Wolves of Kromer", "Memento", "Andromeda Strain", "Lord of the Rings", "Star Trek", "Bladerunner", "Hunt for Red October", "1984", "V for Vendetta", "Batman Begins", "X-men 1&2", "Spiderman 1&2", "Transformers".
Again way to many to name, here are some of my favorites, past and present. "Lost", "Star Trek", "Family Guy", "Futurama", "The Prisoner", "Robot Chicken", "Sea Quest", "Babylon 5", "Smallville", "Simpsons", "Will & Grace", "The 4400", "Stargate SG1", "Maximum Exposure", "Ground Force", "Queer As Folk", "Weeds", "Six Feet Under", "Aqua Teen Hunger Force", "Scrubs", "Kyle XY", "Dead Zone", "Stargate Atlantis", "Eureka", "Battlestar Galactica", "Psych", "Burn Notice"
Anything and everything, I read a lot of science fiction, physical sciences, anything by Tom Clancy, Stephen Hawking, Douglas Adams, Neil Gaiman, Isaac Asimov, Dan Brown, Terry Pratchett.
I think there are a lot of heroes in the world. My mom was one to me. I appreciate everyone who risks their life to ensure the safety of others, police, firefighters, soldiers, they are all worthy of being called a hero.