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About Me

A bit of this, a bit of that. Any attempts to describe myself usually fail, so say hello and see.

(Well, I am a bordering-on-obsessive Violent Femmes fan, but don't let that put you off. I'll try not to gush too much...)

I'm taking part in Race For Life on Sunday 17th June to raise funds for Cancer Research UK. I'll be running in memory of my beloved Grandad, who sadly passed away on 10th June 2007 after a long battle with prostate cancer. I hope that through raising funds I can do my bit towards giving greater hope to cancer patients and their families in the future. Any donations would be gratefully received, and please spare a thought for my mum and myself on Sunday as we run for Grandad. Thanks.

My Interests

I spend my life in perpetual boredom.Otherwise: devouring books, music in its many shapes and forms, writing, playing and teaching the flute. I'm currently a bit of a gig/festival junkie, but as my musical tastes tend to veer from the mainstream the cravings are kinda hard to satisfy.

I'd like to meet:

All my dead rock star heroes. Also fellow music geeks, bookworms, thinkers, social misfits or generally amiable types. I'm not fussy.


Eek, where to start....VIOLENT FEMMES (they bring ALL their equipment on the bus) and the music of all their individual members, Jethro Tull, The Flaming Lips, The Doors, Louise Attaque, Rufus Wainwright, Martha Wainwright, Placebo, Cake, Blondie, PJ Harvey, Fiona Apple, Bodixa, Melissa Auf Der Maur, Gong, Dr Eugene Chadbourne, White Stripes, The Kills, Arctic Monkeys. Arlo Guthrie, Ben Folds Five, David Bowie, Frank Zappa, Screamin' Jay Hawkins, Sigmund Snopek III, Led Zeppelin, Freak Power, Shpongle, The Beautiful South, Jose Feliciano, Melanie, Ozric Tentacles, Ben Harper, Pink Floyd, Garbage, The Go! Team, bit o' Hawkwind, Kula Shaker, The Ramones, Stone Roses and probably more.


Once Upon a Time in the West, The Piano, Amelie, Lost in Translation, Lawn Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Wag the Dog, Duel, Ghost World


I try and avoid the television, unless it's for Have I Got News For You, Mock the Week or Waking the Dead. Or brrmmbrrrmmbrrm Formula 1!


Veronika Decides to Die, The Blind Assassin, The Other Side of You (v. good book by Salley Vickers - go read!) The Handmaid's Tale, To Kill a Mockingbird, 1984, Atonement, The Child in Time - Ian McEwan in general, in fact. Anything by Terry Pratchett. Ditto Douglas Adams. How I Paid for College: a tale of sex, friendship, theft and musical theatre. The Pirates! in an Adventure with Whaling. The Color Purple, Happy Baby, Captain Corelli's Mandolin, Senor Vivo and the Coca Lord. (Louis de Bernieres - wow!) The Diary of Anne Frank. The Chrysalids - again, anything by John Wyndham. Sophie's World, The Ringmaster's Daughter, Maya and everything else by Jostein Gaarder. Brave New World, Bloodtide, probably anything else I've ever read to the end. I like books.


I'm not into hero-worship. But.....OK then, Jim Morrison. And Ian Anderson, lead singer and flautist of Jethro Tull. Man's a genius.