I am in the process of turning my life around, so anything I write is liable to change.
I was a very depressed, angsting, would-be teenager (I think I forgot to grow up!) However, I'm gaining an active social life, saying yes more, and generally smiling a hell of a lot more than I thought possible! :o)
The only reason for creating this account is because I wanted to leave a comment on iko's space and it insisted I register! D'oh! So, yeah, monkeys! :o)
Update: Well aren't I glad I created an account? Without it I probably wouldn't have spoken to Rich again in months! This last month has been crazy! I've found myself blissfully happy in a relationship I never dreamt of. I flew to LA on a whim to join him for 5 nights and declared my love for him in a beautiful rose garden in LA. It was romantic and perfect! I'm so happy! :o) We're spending far too much time together, my house feels far too empty when he's not around! And I start my new job on Thursday! :oD Woo!! :oD (Oh, and check out the new pics, he he!)
Update 2: I hate when reality kicks in and spoils everything. Work is going wonderfully. My relationship is over. I might be moving up Keele way so I don't have to spend almost 2 hours in a car every day. I wish I knew what I wanted.
Update 3 (19/01/2007): Strange reading all of the above, it's been a long time since I've been on here! Life has changed, of course. I am now the proud owner of a house up in Newcastle-under-Lyme and will be moving out of Stafford officially next weekend. Right now everything's a bit of a mess in both houses, and in life in general. Work is demanding a lot, as are my houses, and I feel like I haven't had a day off in months! Despite that, things are going well :o) Still loving working at Astraware, and soon I'll be closer so I might get more time for all the other things I love :o) My new friends at Astraware are cool, and I'm enjoying spending time with them, and looking forward to being able to more once I'm living close by. Not looking forward to leaving a few people behind, Rich & Dan in particular... but I know we'll find a way to still see each other despite the added distance. I still don't know what I want, but I'm bound to stumble upon it eventually ;o)