Numbers 6:5 All the days of the vow of his separation there shall be no razor come upon his head until the days be fulfilled in which he separateth himself unto the Lord, he shall be holy and shall the LOCKS of the hair of his head grow. Leviticus 19:27 Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shall thou mar the corners of thy beard. Ezeikel 8:3 And he put forth the form of the hand and took me by a LOCK of mine head. Song of Solomon 5:11 His head is as the most fine gold. His LOCKS are bushy and black as a raven. Numbers 6:7 ... the consecration of his God is upon his head. All the days of his separation he is Holy unto the Lord. 1 Samuel 1:11 I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his Life, and there shall no razor come upon his head. Song of SOLOMON 5:2 My head is filed with dew, and my LOCKS with the drop of the night. 1 Kings 1:52 And Solomon said, If he will show himself a worthy man, there shall not an hair of him fall to the earth. Also I highly recomend you read Judges chapters 13-17 This is the story of Samson and his seven locks, his locks gave him power, and without them he was nothing.Locks occur in EVERY culture: 1. The bible speaks of locks so Hebrews, Christ, and early Christians must have had them. 2. Most ancient cultures had not devolped a brush for a long time. 3. King Tut's body, to this day, still has locks. 4. Ancient Mayan artwork proves that they had Locks 5. Aborigine tribesman to this day still have locks proving that their ancesters must have had them as well. 6. Native New Guineans have/had locks. 7. Hindu Sadhus out of tradition have locks, and so its been for a long time. 8. Ceaser reported that Celtic tribes had "hair like snakes". 9. The Muslim Whirling Dervishes of Sudan have locks. 10. Various African tribes have locks. 11. Ethiopian monks have locks. 12. The longest hair in the world is one lock of a man in Thailand 13. There are Sihks with locks. and so on and so on, I'm sure there are many more I don't know about.(if you know of anymore please let me know)Locks are I&I way of seperating ourselves from babylon, showing that we are seperate from babylon, and getting closer to Yah, both in the physical, mental, and spiritual. It only makes sense that we are closer to HIM if we look like HIM/what he intended for us to look like. By showing that you are seperate from babylon, it changes babylon's outlook on you therefore changing your outlook on babylon, so indeed locks can make you conscious if you let them.---------------''You can't rule the world with vigor and guns and bullets.''Life is one big road with lots of signs So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy, Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live! -BOB MARLEY-
.. Now Icons
King of KingsLord of LordsConquering Lion of the Tribe of JudahRoot of DavidJAH RasTafarIHaile Selassie I
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
All Praise To Jah Keep Jah FirstKeep God First All The Time Every Thing Righteousness Exalt The Nation Jah Is The Only One I Commandment....
tha lord, and my great grandpa {2-pop}----------------------------------------------------- ------ Rastafarians live a peaceful life, needing little material possessions and devote much time to contemplating the scriptures. They reject the white man's world, as the new age Babylon of greed and dishonesty. Proud and confident Rastas even though they are humble will stand up for their rights. Rastas let their hair grow natually into dreadlocks, in the image of the lion of Judah. Six out of ten Jamaicans are believed to be Rastafarians or Rastafarian sympathizers. The total following is believed to be over 1000 000 worldwide. 1975 to the present has been the period of the most phenomenal growth for the Rastafarian Movement. This growth is largely attributed to Bob Marley, reggae artist, and the worldwide acceptance of reggae as an avenue of Rastafarian self-expression. Marley became a prophet of Rastafarianism in 1975. The movement spread quickly in the Caribbean and was hugely attractive to the local black youths, many of whom saw it as an extension of their adolescent rebellion from school and parental authority. With it came some undesirable elements, but all true Rastas signify peace and pride and righteousness.---------------------------------------------- ------------- Ganja, or better known to non-Rastas as Marijuana, is used for religious purposes for the Rastafarians. They find its use written in the Bible in Psalms 104:14, "He causeth the grass for the cattle, and herb for the service of man". The use of this herb is very extensive among the Rastas not only for spiritual purposes as in their Nyabingi celebration, but also for medicinal purposes for colds and such. Other names for it are Iley, callie, and holy herb. Following are a few of the many Biblical texts that Rastas embrace as reasons God, or Jah, gave them the use of the herb: ". . . thou shalt eat the herb of the field " (Genesis 3:18) ". . . eat every herb of the land " (Exodus 10:12) "Better is a dinner of herb where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith" (Proverbs 15:17) “He Causeth the Grass to Grow for the Cattle, and Herb for the Service of Man†(Psalm 104:14)----------------------------- ------------------------------ I am not into reinventing the wheel, I am more into the idea of glorifying my brother's work. That is why when people ask me anything about Rasta on Mypace, I don't get into any in-depth details, rather, I answer their specific question and then I point them to a very informative blog post on the subject which was done by Negus NattyRecently, however, I have actually got tired of people messaging me with messages such as "How can a Rasta say such mean words?", or my favorite "Bob Marley would not approve of that." It is obvious that most of these people sending me messages don't really know the first thing about Rasta cultures. It is actually an insult to Rasta in general, to think that being a Rasta is all about growing dreads, smoking weed and singing Bob Marley's "One Love". Rastas are about a lot of things including love, but if someone told you they were about turning the other cheek, that someone lied to you."Plead my cause oh Jah. Strife with those that strife with me and fight against those that fight against me."There are three major sects to Rastafarians: Twelve Tribe, Nyabinghi and Bobo Shanti. There are numerous other sects also, such as the Ethiopian orthodox, but I want to focus on the main three for brevity's sake.Nyabinghi and Twelve tribes are very similar in their beliefs and practices. They are both very free sects, meaning their orders are not very strict. Twelve Tribe are free to attend a church of their choice and they also have a free diet which could include meat. Twelve Tribe and Nyabinghi have as their trinity; Haile Selassie I, Marcus Garvey and Bob Marley. Twelve Tribe and Nyabinghi also share the same flag. Their flag is actually the Ethiopian flag, with the lion of Judah in the center.Notice that the red which signifies blood is at the bottom of the flag and the lion's paws are in the blood. Nyabinghi uses this flag because they are warriors and are willing to walk in the enemies' blood when necessary, which is what the lion paws in the blood represents. By default all Rasta are warriors when necessary, just like the Maroons of Jamaica were. So in a way, Bobo Shanti and Twelve tribe are also Nyabinghi. If you remember, Capleton who is a Bobo Shanti once had a song saying:"Beat the binghi (Nyabhingi) drum and beat down Rome A pure froth John Pope Paul must foam Queen Elizabeth a weep and moan One thunder ball hit her off the throne"So as you can see, even the Bobo Shantis beat the Nyabinghi drums, which can be drums of love or drums of war.Someone asked me before if Rasta aren't the same as Christians. I would say yes, somewhat, if you take out the religion part, because they too believe in the Christ which was prophesized in Isaiah, whether it is the Black Jesse Christ or the European looking one hanging in most living rooms throughout the western world.I would say Twelve Tribe is the closest to today's Christians though. In fact, when a Twelve Tribe greets you, he/she will say:"Greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, who in this day reveal himself in the personality of Emperor Selassie I, Kings of Kings, Lord of Lords, conquering lion of the tribe of Judah elect of God, and light of this world."Nyabinghi on the other hand will greet you as follows:"Greetings in the name of his Imperial Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie I, Jah Rastafari."When Nyabinghi and Twelve Tribe are in their place of worship, the men are not allowed to wear hats or any coverings on their heads, much like a Seventh Day Adventist church. So if a Bobo Shanti visited a Twelve Tribe or Nyabinghi place of worship, he would be required to remove his turban.Before I get into the precepts of Bobo Shanti, I want to go back to the Twelve Tribe and Nyabinghi flag for a little. As I mentioned, the red signifying blood is at the bottom, with the lion stepping in the blood. You may not know this, but the original Ethiopian flag had the red (blood) at the top of the flag. It was not until the fascist Mussolini and his band of criminals attacked and occupied Ethiopia for five years before they were driven out, that the red went to the bottom to signify Ethiopia's independence, victory and them walking in the blood of the enemies. Not to get off subject, but the red in Iraq's flag is at the top, wouldn't it be funny if when the dust settles, it went to the bottom? Hey, they say history repeats itself.Now of all the Rastafarian sects, Bobo Shanti has the strictest orders. Bobo Shanti is the sect that wears the turban as I am sure you either know or guessed by now. Not all Bobo Shantis wear a turban however. A turban is acquired once you understand all the orders of Bobo Shanti. It really takes a lot of discipline to be a Bobo Shanti. All Bobo Shantis must keep the Sabbath and adhere to a strict Leviticus diet which means no meat, no vines etc. etc. Bobo Shanti's holy trinity is Marcus Garvey, Holy Emanuel (the Black Christ) and Emperor Haile Selassie. Although unlike Twelve Tribe and Nyabinghi, Bob Marley is not recognized as part of the trinity, he is recognized as a prophet by the Bobo Shanti sect. Sizzla, who like Capleton is a Bobo Shanti paid tribute to Bob as a prophet in "Praise ye Jah":A no Malcolm X or Martin Luther this A Sizzla who come here to trick all the tricks I see Bob Marley rise and they kill the prophet Why you don't kill those standing on your pulpits You use them to steer the minds of the youths That as they preach the youths cease from knowing the truth But this is the truth above our circumstances I see how you constantly building churches But your church defend the slackness as usual Rasta don't mix with homosexuals.The Bobo Shanti flag is the flag of Ghana with the five point Star of David and the red is at the top instead of bottom.The 5 point star signifies the fifth kingdom of Christ. The red on top of the flag also represents the first Passover in Exodus, where all pharaoh's first born were slewed, but God told Moses to put blood over the door posts of the houses that the death angel was supposed to Passover. Also if you look at the rainbow, the red is always at the top.There is so much more to say, but I don't want to bore you, maybe I will do a part two. The main thing I would like for you to get from this post is the difference between the flags in regard to the red and how they got that way. If green signifies earth, then it is only natural that it is at the bottom of the flag, as we walk on the earth. However, Ethiopians were forced to walk in the blood of their enemies as they defend their country, thus switching the flag colors. Rastas are peaceful, but that does not mean they are here to be walked over. We are followers of Marcus Garvey, his teachings was never to turn the other cheek. So before you send messages of what Rasta should and should not be or what Marley would or would not approve, please do some research. Jah never came here as no lamb to be slaughtered, that was someone else."If a fire make it bun, if a blood make it run Rasta is on top, so you can't predict the flock We have lightning, thunder, brimstone and fire" – Bob Marley.Did you view Rasta as just one group where every Rasta practiced and believed the same thing?Do you know the importance of Marcus Garvey to Rastas?