Culture, Humans, Bboying, Art, MUSIC!!!, Goverment, Nutrition, Organic living, Phylosophy, Knowledge, Creation, Science, Computers, people, Women, blahh this shit got Spammed nd deleted. PS: Wanting to IMPALE George W.(orst ever) Bush & nd the memebers of the FDA!!!
"God" Jesus Christ**, Italian Ancestors and Spanish ancestors, Antonio Nariño, Simón BolÃvar Abraham Lincoln, Marco Polo, John F Kennedy, Albert Einstein, Natalie Portman, Dj Kool-HerC, Mars Volta, War Veterans, Philosophers, Scientist, Organic Lifestyle Eaters, Smart Humans, Human Mutation or a little more of what we already have on the Streets, Soul Full People, Spiritual Individuals, Normal People(im tired of the FatnesS) Artists, Graffiti Writters, Entrepreneurs, Osama Bin Laden, BBoys, Bgurls, Real FRIENDS, My Uncle Hernandito who past away when he was about 8, Atheists(i wanna know why their so empty), Tom Cruise(nd his Sciencetology Beliefs) & a Down to EarTH Stylish Chik(woman) that knows her self and What she wants in liFE!!!... People that are themSelVes and that enjoy things that This life Has offered them!, Str8 up to the FACe people, Cats that Help u out Don't Stab ur Back" worst yet Pelvis ", Positive Down People! people with Future, People that can Drop and keep up with an Interesting Convo( TUMBS UP ) WoRD^^^ History on the Making:::::: *** Escuderia Ripping South Florida!!! :::::MY Second Home!! *** Deep...this painting is mad Deep... *******:::::::::..........:::::::::::::********* The Destruction of man kind. ***Up Coming Events! Fu****g Real shit cuhh!!!! HipHop, HistoRy, Reality!!! No MTV bS Hoes! .. width="425" height="350" .. *******LOve Bitchhheesss LOVEEEE!!!!!!!!!!****** ********TwICE A MONTH!!!!!!! 2007*********** *********US***************** ********************************************************* Pure Love to all the Sons and Daugthers!!! ********************************************** ************* Real Junk!!!******* ***Im Ripping it here every friday!!!**** SPACE *******EATING RIGHT is LIFE BITCHES!!!******* ::::::::::::::::nsE::::::::
***HOUSE, REAL HIPHOP, Funk, Jazz, Electric, Trance, Punk, Rock, Hardcore, DnB, Music is life why just listen to one thing?! Everything and Anything.!!!!
many. perhaps nd mostly Documentaries...still Style Warz, Freshest Kids, City of God, Kids, Requiem for a Dream, Maria Full of Grace, Fast Food Nation...
whats that?!...some times Discovery Channel, History Channel, Family Guy, South Park cuhh! ;]** A Nation Under OBESE **
some Stuff i've/im read/reading...enjoy :]
Not many! but! Jesus Christ That died for our sins(Deep Stuff if u really think about it!!) My Father God! , my moms, Family!, Bboying, Art, Real People, Real HipHop, My True Friends, Joel(catalyst), the Soldiers that went a senceleSs war for this PowerHouse of a Country!!!The Real humble Doctors and have been Curing people from disease's with Organic Therapy and Natural Ways,(Illegal in the USA) all over the world.